The University of Texas at San Antonio Donovan L. Fogt, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Health, and Nutrition Director, UTSA Exercise Biochemistry & Metabolism Laboratory University of Texas at San Antonio Adjunct Asst. Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Palliative Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio The University of Texas at San Antonio Donovan L. Fogt, PhD Director, Office of Undergraduate Research Office of Research Support Vice President for Research Division University of Texas at San Antonio Integrative Biomedicine Cloud, Cyber Computing & Analytics Social & Educational Transformation Advanced Materials Sustainable Communities & Critical Infrastructures
Office of Undergraduate Research (O.U.R.) Excellence through Scholarly Inquiry and the Creation of Knowledge Undergraduate research is a transformative educational experience involving collaboration between students and faculty members. It compliments and enhances the effectiveness of classroom learning. Students learn to engage in the discovery process and create knowledge through various methods of inquiry and analysis. The O.U.R. at The University of Texas at San Antonio exists to promote, facilitate, and support all types of undergraduate research and scholarly inquiry.
Student participation in research experiences has been associated with improved academic performance and sustained interest in research careers in the basic and biomedical sciences (see Fechheimer et al., CBE-Life Sciences Education, 10: ; Russell et al., Science, 316 (5824): ) Office of Undergraduate Research (O.U.R.) Excellence through Scholarly Inquiry and the Creation of Knowledge
The benefits for students engaged in research and creative work are numerous: 1.Enhances student learning 2.Increases retention and enrollment in advanced education and provides effective career preparation 3.Cultivate relationships with faculty, graduate students, administrators, and members of student’s field of interest that are outside of the UTSA campus 4.Develops an understanding of research methodology and academic inquiry 5.Promotes an innovation-oriented culture, exploring academic interests beyond the classroom 6.Acquire real life, hands-on experience that is used in student’s field of interest 7.Develop academic/professional credentials and skills 8.Demonstrate successful grant writing skills 9.Helps define or, in some cases, redefine, student’s academic and career goals 10.Personal benefits such as responsibility, maturity, confidence, ethics 11.Development as a critical and independent thinking, creativity, and problem solving The “WHY” of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry
There are quite a few official undergraduate research programs across campus. Students can also consider working with faculty member as a volunteer, enroll in a research experience/independent study/studio-type course and receive credit for participating! A variety of programs exist to support undergraduate research on campus. Check out the webpages of the UTSA Colleges, Departments, and faculty members that may best match your interests. Many are also listed on UGresearch site (provided below)! Students should simply: 1.Identify their interests 2.Preparing to introduce yourself to faculty members and discussing your interest in the UG research experience 3.Consider time commitment for UG research (work, transportation, class load, etc.) 4.Prepare for initial meeting with a faculty member by doing background searches 5.Go meet them. Several of them! The “HOW” of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry
UTSA McNair Scholars The federally funded McNair Scholars Program selects and prepares 25 high-achieving sophomores (with at least 30 college hours), along with juniors and seniors, with aspirations to pursue doctoral studies. Low-income, first-generation college students and/or students underrepresented in doctoral programs are invited to apply. Academic and Personal Development Paid Summer Research with a Faculty Mentor Assistance with Graduate School Admission GRE Preparation Exposure to scholarly activities and college visitations For more info contact: or
MARC-U*STAR Training for PhD Program Entry Laboratory Research Travel + Professional Development training Jr/Sr level undergrads (two year requirement) Majors – - Biology - Mathematics – - Chemistry - Physics – - Computer Science - Psychology – - Biomedical Engineering GPA Required: Pre-PhD: 3.3. Pre-MD/PhD: years of support Monthly Stipend: $969 plus partial tuition
Historically, underrepresented minority (URM) groups are the fastest growing component within the US population. Yet, URMs make up a disproportionally small part of the NIH funded Principal Investigator (PI) pool (2). For example, Hispanics and Black or African Americans represent 16.3 and 12.6%, respectively, of the US population in 2010 but accounted for only 3.5 and 1.1% of the NIH PIs receiving research project grants. One reason posited for this disparity included what was termed a “leaky pipeline” (1). Thus, efforts undertaken to recruit and prepare URMs with B.A./B.S. degrees in the biological and behavioral sciences such that they are academically prepared upon entry to graduate school to obtain their doctorate degrees. Thus, broadening preparation and participation of URMs in biomedical, behavioral, and social science research is critical for the nation’s scientific progress and health. The need for DIVERSITY in STEM Undergraduate Research 1.Ginther DK, Schaffer WT, Schnell J, Masimore B, Liu F, Haak LL, et al. Race, ethnicity, and NIH research awards. Science. 2011;333(6045): PMCID: Working Group on Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce (WGDBRW) Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce Working Group Report; 2012.
MBRS-RISE Training for Doctoral Program Entry Funding for Laboratory Research, Travel Professional Training & Mentoring Majors – - Biology - Mathematics – - Chemistry - Physics – - Computer Science - Psychology – - Biomedical Engineering Hourly Pay ($12.00), 15 h/40 h summer Sophomore and Above, 3.0 preferred, U.S. Citizen or Perm. Res. 1 year prior to graduation. Underrepresented in science or financially disadvantaged
What is UTSA Top Scholar? Merit scholarship + enrichment programming – Personalized and tailored to individual scholar Aimed at: – Very high achieving HS students – Well rounded experiences in school, extra curricula activities, and community/volunteer service Best opportunity for selection – Top 5%, 1400 SAT, 32 ACT – Demonstrated excellence Rewarded for potential, not solely past performance
4-year comprehensive merit scholarship – Tuition and fees, room and board Concierge level service – VIP Access Signature experiences and individualized programming – Mentoring, research opportunities, internships, study abroad Personalized leadership and professional development – Access to university and community leaders Auto-enrollment in Honors College What will a UTSA Top Scholar receive?
The University of Texas at San Antonio Donovan L. Fogt, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Health, and Nutrition Director, UTSA Exercise Biochemistry & Metabolism Laboratory University of Texas at San Antonio Adjunct Asst. Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Palliative Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio The University of Texas at San Antonio Donovan L. Fogt, PhD Director, Office of Undergraduate Research Office of Research Support Vice President for Research Division University of Texas at San Antonio Integrative Biomedicine Cloud, Cyber Computing & Analytics Social & Educational Transformation Advanced Materials Sustainable Communities & Critical Infrastructures