Social Media Best Practices
Social media has become the number one activity on the web
Communication Evolution Facebook Old fashioned game of telephone on a laptop or mobile device with photos, links, etc Two-way communication Discuss issues Twitter 140 character version of your diary – share updates on what’s going on in your life and links to things you find interesting or useful Push information out Deliver messages
Building Your Social Media Presence
Set Goals How do you want to use social media and for what reason? How do these goals tie into your other communications goals? How do they tie into the HCPSS Strategic Plan? How will using social media benefit your parents/community?
Make a Plan Who is your audience? What social media sites will you use? Who will manage the site? What kinds of items are appropriate for the site? Who will you interact with?/What kinds of posts will you respond to? What will be your voice? How will you measure success?
Experiment Listen to your audience Be genuine Update regularly Be open to new ideas
Spread the Word Include links to your site(s) in signature Create online conversations Add links to school website and newsletters Create /flier to send home Post on school marquees Like or follow other schools, community members
Twitter Best Practices Interact! Follow the right people or organizations Respond appropriately Know when to sit back and watch Monitor what’s being said in and about your school Twitter Tweet Deck, HootSuite,
Twitter Best Practices, cont. Keep it short Post daily but avoid bulk tweets Vary post times Alternate types of tweets Promote others Ask for retweets #don’t #over #hashtag
Picture This Be aware of do not photo list Invite parents to share photos Only post clear, captioned pictures Size photos appropriately: 2/final-social-media-sizing-cheat-sheet 2/final-social-media-sizing-cheat-sheet
Everything you do on social media is a reflection of your school, and of the school system Always strive for the best representation of your school
HCPSS Social Media Presence
Resources Education hashtags, Social Media Photo Size Cheat Sheet, media-sizing-cheat-sheet media-sizing-cheat-sheet Social Media Today, Edudemic, Education Week Digital Education, Venture Beat Education, Social Media Examiner,
Resources, cont. Mashable, International Society for Technology in Education, Common Sense Media Educators, Awesome videos Did You Know 2013, Social Media Video 2013,
I’m Here to Help! Emily Bahhar (410) office (410) cell