Can we know? Can we be sure? Psalm 46:10 Does God exist? Can we know? Can we be sure? Psalm 46:10
Why do you believe in God? 1 Peter 3:15 How do you convince someone that: God is real Bible is the word of God Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God Answer: On the basis of evidence Careful how we assess the evidence: Fool & wicked deny God, Psa. 14:1; 10:4 One body of evidence is Jesus
Faith that God Exists is Based on Evidence – Heb. 11:6, 1 The evidence of the material world, Heb. 11:3; Rom. 1:20 Evidence is before us, Isa. 40:25-26 “Things that are made”, Psa. 19:1 The evidence of Jesus, Jno. 17:1-4
Jesus is Evidence that God is Real John 14:9-11 To believe in Jesus one must believe in God, Jno. 12:44-45 Show that Jesus is the Son of God & you show that God is real Claim: Jesus reveals God to man, Jno. 1:18 (Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3)
There is Evidence that Jesus is the Son of God – Matt. 16:13-17 Claim: The Father gave evidence that Jesus is Son of God, Jno. 5:37; 8:18 Peter correctly assessed the evidence We can and must assess the same evidence, Jno. 7:51
The Evidence: His Works John 5:17-18, 36; 10:30-36 Assessed by Nicodemus, Jno. 3:2 “Believe the works”, Jno. 10:37-38 Written for our belief, Jno. 20:30-31 Enemies did not deny, Jno. 11:47-48 Attributed to devil (Matt. 12:22-24) Killed him, Jno. 11:49-50, 53
The Evidence: His Words John 8:13-14 His personal testimony, Jno. 8:13-14 No man spoke like him, Jno. 7:46 Did not seek personal glory, but honor for the one who sent him, Jno. 7:18 Spoke with authority, Matt. 7:28-29; Jno. 12:47-50
The Evidence: His Life John 7:18 No unrighteousness in him No deceit in his mouth, 1 Pet. 2:22 Never convicted of sin, Jno. 8:46 “Why do you not believe Me?” Took liars to convict him, Matt. 26:59
Assessing the Evidence John 8:19; 14:6-11 A non-existent God has no Son! The evidence for Jesus as the Son of God has withstood withering attacks for 2,000 years Examples: Matt. 16:16-17; 27:54 Can you judge what is right? Luke 12: 54-57
Rejecting the Evidence John 12:37 It does not agree with human wisdom, 1 Cor. 1:21-25 (Rom. 1:22, 28) It means there is a standard of truth, Jno. 14:6 (1:1, 14); 12:46 Many love darkness of sin, Jno. 3:19-21 Some are not willing to do what Jesus says, Jno. 7:16-17
Rejecting the Evidence John 12:37 It is not what some have always believed, Jno. 1:45-46 It means some I love are lost in sin, Jno. 3:16-18 The emotional stumbling block (3:18) Because of what others will say or do, Jno. 12:42-43
God Does Exist! JESUS IS OUR PROOF What will you do with Jesus? What will Jesus do with you? (Jno. 12:38, 47-50)