Academic Vocabulary I only have words for what I know!
Research Says… O Low academic language skills have been shown to be associated with low academic performance in a variety of educational settings. O The main barrier to student comprehension of texts and lectures is low academic vocabulary knowledge.
Never in Our School Monday: Copy new spelling/vocabulary words into notebook. Tuesday: Look up the word and write the definition. Wednesday: Write the words five times each Thursday: Pre-Test – 80% or better, no final test required Friday: Final Test
Research Says… Meta-research from William Nagy, Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Comprehension, ERIC 2000 reports that…. The three least effective methods of initially teaching vocabulary and cause regression in assessment results are….
Research Says… O Write the word several times O Find or copy the definition O Write it in a sentence
Research Says… Word meanings are learned gradually, the more students interact with words, the deeper the students understanding. It takes about 12 interactions with a word to develop a deep understanding. Beck et al., 1985
Table Group Activity As a group, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following statement and why you agree or disagree: All thinking and learning starts with vocabulary.
Research Says… O Low academic language skills have been shown to be associated with low academic performance in a variety of educational settings. O The main barrier to student comprehension of texts and lectures is low academic vocabulary knowledge.
Selecting Words to Teach O Teach only a few words at a time so meaning is retained. O Relate new words to previously learned material. O Provide multiple exposures to words.
Research Says… O Academic vocabulary is sub-technical vocabulary. In other words, it is not the technical vocabulary of a particular academic discipline. O Academic vocabulary is used across all academic disciplines to teach about the content of the discipline.
It makes sense… For example, before taking chemistry, students do not know the technical words used in chemistry. But the underprepared students also don't know the vocabulary used to teach the chemistry concepts. Underprepared students are unfamiliar with words like evaluation, theory, hypothesis, assumption, capacity, validate.
Selecting Words to Teach O Teach words that are central to the concept students must learn. O Teach only the words students do not already know. O Teach students to use context clues, when available.
Tier I Tier I words consist of frequently used common words and expressions for which concepts are easily understood, such as butterfly, clock, bed, radio, look, walk, etc. These words do not require intense academic instruction. Adapted from the work of Isabel Beck.
Tier II Tier II words are “mortar” words-high frequency academic words used across content areas. These words are more abstract, such as setting, plot, combine, maintain, coincidence, etc. Tier II words are important for comprehension and making connections between ideas.
Tier III Tier III words are low-frequency words limited to specific content areas such as tundra, peninsula, photosynthesis, etc. These words are best learned when specific needs arise within the content area.
Additional Considerations… Importance and Utility – Is the word characteristic of mature language learners? Does it appear across content areas? Instructional Potential-Can the word be worked into instruction in a variety of ways so that students can build deep knowledge of it?
Additional Considerations… Conceptual Understanding – Do students already understand the general concept? ng35/session2/sec3p2.html
What does it mean to know a word? Work with a partner to complete these frames: Being able to apply it _______ and _______ in a ________ of contexts. Having a _______ of word knowledge- interrelated connections or a word s______.
Let’s Practice Complete the practice sheet. Compare with an elbow partner. Discuss discrepancies. Additional practice with Teacher’s Editions.
Instructional Routine Plan for Intentional and Systemic Vocabulary Instruction Theme: WeekText SelectionTier Two Words Notes: Week of ____to____