Inca People of the Sun Civilization in the Clouds
The Land of Four Quaters
Inca notes ► Inca lived in the highlands of Peru. ► Empire reached further than any in New world and was as large as the Roman empire. ► Pachakuti Inca began series of conquests in 1440 AD leading to unified empire. ► When Pizzaro arrived in 1532 the Inca had just ended a long period of civil war. ► Inca cities were linked by extensive road networks. ► Surplus food was stored in special cities for times of scarcity.
Atahualpa Inca Pizzaro
Inca hwy system longer than Roman. Covered 25,000 miles. Mail traveled faster than it does today.
Construction in Stone ► Fortress, palaces, and administrative centers were built of stone. ► The jigsaw-like nature of the stonework was held in place by its own weight without mortar. ► Pseudoscientists argue the stonework could not be achieved without lasers or some modern technology unavailable to the Inca.
Machu Pichu
Playful rock carving to allow flow of sacred water. Such carvings are part of many Inca sites and especially at Machu Pichu.
Modern structure on top of Inca masonry.
Inca masonry. No mortar. The jigsaw affect locks all pieces.
Pisca Q’ uchu
Massive stone block architecture
Inca engineering included suspension bridges over deep crevasses and rivers. These bridges were designed as cable suspension spans and were made from grass. Following the roads, part of which was cut directly into mountain sides, goods from the coast could reach Cuzco in the highlands in one day.
Spiritual beliefs ► Ancestor veneration ► Viracocha the creator God (sun) ► Living world ► Milky way intersected the Andes to create four quarters of the Inca world
Cultural elements ► Textile art used as currency ► M’ita system ► Split inheritance ► Taxation to the emperor
Purposely deformed skulls (Nazca) (Made famous by the last Indiana Jones movie)
Human face jugs. Common element in much Peruvian pottery (pre Inca) Silver Metalwork representation of reed raft. (pre Inca)
Agricultural terraces.
Peruvian musicians “Inca Son”
Inca style textiles and market.
Pachacuti inca Tupac Inca Huayana Inac Atahualpa Inca After conquest: Manko, Yupanqui
Inca textiles.
Quipu record keeping system. Relied on mathematics and mnemonics. A series of knots tied to various lengths of cord are used to record inventories, histories, tribute/taxes and key dates.
Yupanqui Inca Mt fortress city Pisac
Reenactment of Inca festival to the Sun.
Inca mummy and child sacrifice mummy