▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank AP/Reuters in the wild, once completed, provide, cover an area of, residence for 11., the hospital will be the world’s only center for carrying out research on disease prevention and control for the endangered species. 완공되고 나면, 그 병원은 세계 유일의 이 멸종 위기종에 대한 질병 예방과 개체 수 유지에 대해 연 구하는 센터가 될 것이다. 12. It will also a comfortable the aged ones. 그것은 또한 나이든 판다들에게 안락한 거주지도 제공하게 된다. 13. The specialized center will about 51 hectares. 이 특별 센터는 약 51 헥타의 면적에 걸쳐 지어지게 된다. 14. Statistics show that about 1,600 pandas live. 통계 자료에 따르면 약 1,600 마리의 판다가 야생에서 살고 있다. * 총 25 문항, 각 문제당 4 점씩 배점 1. disease prevention2. rescue 3. endangered species4. residence 5. accommodate6. complete 7. statistics8. hectare 9. project10. carry out
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. China to Build Hospitals for Pandas A specialized center for giant panda’s disease prevention and rescue will be built in China’s Sichuan province. Once completed, the hospital will be the world’s only center for carrying out research on disease prevention and control for the endangered species and rescuing giant pandas. It will also provide a comfortable residence for the aged ones. The specialized center will cover an area of about 51 hectares. It will cost 210 million yuan ($32.3 million) to build the center. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Regional Government will provide 130 million yuan. The project is expected to be completed by the end of When completed, it will be able to accommodate 40 pandas. Giant pandas are among the world’s most endangered species. Statistics show that about 1,600 pandas live in the wild, while 300 live in zoos around the world AP/Reuters 15. Where will the new hospital for Panda Research be built? ① They will build several centers across China. ② It will be built in Hong Kong. ③ It is planned to be built in the Sichuan province. ④ The location of the hospital has not yet been decided. 16. Which of the following is NOT something in which the new hospitals will be used for? ① The new center will be used as a comfortable residence for aged pandas. ② Research on disease prevention will be conducted in the new center. ③ It will be used for rescuing giant pandas. ④ It will be used as a breeding ground for giant pandas.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Correct the underlined parts. 22. Once finishing, the experiment will be regarded as a great work. → 23. Government carried in research on domestic energy. → 24. The reserve covers an area on 1100 square kilometers. → 25. Government provided residence to homeless people. → AP/Reuters 17. According to the article, which of the following is true? ① The project is expected to cost up to $210 million. ② The giant panda population is growing rapidly. ③ The new hospitals will be able to help about 40 pandas at a time. ④ There are an estimated 1,600 pandas living in zoos around the world. 18. Which of the following most closely means 'accommodate' from the 3rd paragraph? ① Turn away ② Take in ③ Turn out ④ Cure 19. The hospital will have a seating capacity of 40 pandas. _____ 20. The hospital for giant pandas is to carry out research on disease prevention. _____ 21. The cost of the specialized center will be $32.3 million. _____
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank AP/Reuters in the wild, once completed, provide, cover an area of, residence for 11. Once completed, the hospital will be the world’s only center for carrying out research on disease prevention and control for the endangered species. 완공되고 나면, 그 병원은 세계 유일의 이 멸종 위기종에 대한 질병 예방과 개체 수 유지에 대해 연 구하는 센터가 될 것이다. 12. It will also provide a comfortable residence for the aged ones. 그것은 또한 나이든 판다들에게 안락한 거주지도 제공하게 된다. 13. The specialized center will cover an area of about 51 hectares. 이 특별 센터는 약 51 헥타의 면적에 걸쳐 지어지게 된다. 14. Statistics show that about 1,600 pandas live in the wild. 통계 자료에 따르면 약 1,600 마리의 판다가 야생에서 살고 있다. * 총 25 문항, 각 문제당 4 점씩 배점 1. disease prevention [ 질병 예방 ]2. rescue [ 구출, 구조 ] 3. endangered species [ 멸종 위기에 처한 동식물의 종 ]4. residence [ 거주지 ] 5. accommodate [ 수용하다 ]6. complete [ 완료하다, 끝마치다 ] 7. statistics [ 통계 자료 ]8. hectare [ 헥타르 ] 9. project [ 계획, 기획 ]10. carry out [ 수행하다 ]
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. China to Build Hospitals for Pandas A specialized center for giant panda’s disease prevention and rescue will be built in China’s Sichuan province. Once completed, the hospital will be the world’s only center for carrying out research on disease prevention and control for the endangered species and rescuing giant pandas. It will also provide a comfortable residence for the aged ones. The specialized center will cover an area of about 51 hectares. It will cost 210 million yuan ($32.3 million) to build the center. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Regional Government will provide 130 million yuan. The project is expected to be completed by the end of When completed, it will be able to accommodate 40 pandas. Giant pandas are among the world’s most endangered species. Statistics show that about 1,600 pandas live in the wild, while 300 live in zoos around the world AP/Reuters 15. Where will the new hospital for Panda Research be built? [3] ① They will build several centers across China. ② It will be built in Hong Kong. ③ It is planned to be built in the Sichuan province. ④ The location of the hospital has not yet been decided. 16. Which of the following is NOT something in which the new hospitals will be used for? [4] ① The new center will be used as a comfortable residence for aged pandas. ② Research on disease prevention will be conducted in the new center. ③ It will be used for rescuing giant pandas. ④ It will be used as a breeding ground for giant pandas.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Correct the underlined parts. 22. Once finishing, the experiment will be regarded as a great work. → Once finished 23. Government carried in research on domestic energy. → carried out research on 24. The reserve covers an area on 1100 square kilometers. → covers an area of 25. Government provided residence to homeless people. → provided residence for AP/Reuters 17. According to the article, which of the following is true? [3] ① The project is expected to cost up to $210 million. ② The giant panda population is growing rapidly. ③ The new hospitals will be able to help about 40 pandas at a time. ④ There are an estimated 1,600 pandas living in zoos around the world. 18. Which of the following most closely means 'accommodate' from the 3rd paragraph? [2] ① Turn away ② Take in ③ Turn out ④ Cure 19. The hospital will have a seating capacity of 40 pandas. [F] 20. The hospital for giant pandas is to carry out research on disease prevention. [T] 21. The cost of the specialized center will be $32.3 million. [T]