making environmental decisions A closer look at Chapter 2 section 3
*Briefly describe the 9 values to consider when making environmental decisions. *What are the 4 steps in a simple environmental decision making model? *Compare short term and long term consequences of 2 decisions regarding a hypothetical env. issue Describe 2 major developments in the U.S. environmental history. What are 3 federal agencies that have environmental responsibilities? Explain the purpose of Environmental Impact Statements. How can citizens affect environmental policy at the local, state, and national levels? Evaluate the media as a source of info. about the environment.
Values to consider (pg.45) aesthetic economic environmental educational ethical/moral health recreational scientific social/cultural
Decision-making Model provides a systematic approach for making decisions Involves Four Steps: 1. Gather information from several resources 2. Consider which values apply to the situation 3. Explore consequences 4. Evaluate all information and make a decision
Short term & Long Term Consequences of Hypothetical Situation... (46-49) looking at 3 different values: environmental, economic, and recreational consider the following: -positive short-term consequences -negative short-term consequences -positive long-term consequences negative long- term consequences