JayAKay provides you with all of your need. We offer our customers a natural environment that is just as comfortable as any other house would be. Our living structure is composed mostly of environmentally friends materials of the finest quality. The drywall is actually EcoRock– a replacement that uses less energy to make and produces less greenhouse gasses. POLLI-brick-which is made from recycled materials- was also used constructing our building. Water -from the community sinks in the bathroom -come out as an effective mist that still cleans your hands properly. Living in our quarters lets you sleep better knowing your doing your part to save the earth.
Provide one and half to three times more heat for home than electrical energy it receive Moves heat opposed to convert it into fuel
Its easy to reuse items opposed to throwing them away
Get access to water from the ground water spring Goes through the filters Pumps water through out the house Goes through aerobic treatment unit Goes through the septic tank Goes into the drain field Drains water into the soil Water pumped back into the springs
Areas where ground water comes out of the holes in the rocks Advantage of using this system is that the homeowner doesn’t have to pay a monthly bill or pay for water regulations This type of system works better than other systems because it is consist of more clean water than others
Get rid of the following……. Chemicals Chlorine Bad tastes and odors Partially hydrogen sulfide Partially heavy metals Radon Sediment Vocs
Get rid of the following….. Bacteria Chlorine Metal Pollutants Dissolved organic solids(salts) Bad taste, odor, appearance
Reverse Osmosis only purge bacteria Carbon Filters only purge chemicals Both filters are needed to ensure that homeowners have clean healthy water
Pre treats wastewater by adding air to break down organic matter, reduce pathogens, and transform nutrients Creates an environment consisting of high amount of oxygen and organic matter is used to break down the bacteria Once the process is completed the wastes goes through the septic tank system
A tank built underground and the wastes is broken down by the bacteria As the wastes leaves the aerobic treatment unit, the solids will settle to the bottom. The liquids will flow through the system into the drain fields. The bacteria in the soil will break down the wastes.
Network of holes laid in the gravel filled beds After the materials settle into the septic tank, the wastewater is removed by pressure or gravity The wastewater ends up in the drain fields
Generates power and thermal energy from a single fuel source Decrease energy costs Reduces emission of greenhouse gases
Doesn’t use water to drain the waste Allow natural processes to decompose Decompose for a year before emptying Doesn’t smell if there is a vent pipe and drain
Saves water The waste goes back into soil which improves the quality of soil Electricity isn’t needed Don’t need pipe to transport waste to sewage farm Don’t need a truck to remove waste
Contains an extra heat exchanger that way red hot waste air transfer an amount of heat to start to heat cold water input
Used for the solar thermal panels to capture the heat Foam insulation is used to reduce heat losses Has a coil that heats water using power from boiler and second coil heats water using energy from a solar panel
Heat water for home using energy from sun Water bills will be reduced Reduce amount of carbon dioxide that is released
Reduces heating bills When its cold outside its easy for heat to escape the home Insulation traps the heat inside of the home
Uses heat from the earth to prove heating, air conditioning, and hot water for the home During winter heat is pulled from earth into home During summer heat is pulled out of home into the ground 70% of energy used is renewable energy from ground
Provide electricity for the greenhouse to power the light bulbs Covers energy from the winds into electrical energy electrical energy will be used to power electricity inside of home Reduces electricity bill
Used instead of commercial fertilizers Improve soil quality and improves the health of plants Inexpensive and a convenient process
Removes sediment and debris from collection surfaces shortly after the rain starts to fall Daily, it collects 0.02 inches of rainfall per square feet of the roof area
Conserves water and energy Reduces the amount of splashing from a faucet Attached to end of a faucet The mesh screen helps reduce the flow of the water
The animals will be evacuated temporarily until construction is complete. They can come back after fences of bamboo are established Red Fox evacuation: Rotating beacon lights will scared the foxes far away. The foxes will be lured by homemade scents. Into long spring traps The traps will be used only if the lights do not work. If trapped, they will be sent to the zoo.
Hedgehog evacuation We will be using traps from raccoon-trap.html to capture hedgehogs and remove them away from the area. The traps will be baited with different kinds of food such as jerky, strawberries and bread. The hedgehogs will be held in a nearby zoo until construction is done and they can return home.
Red Deer evacuation Tranquillizer will be injected into fruits, vegetables, and imitation grass and put on a table for them to consumer. Multiple tables will be scattered along the area. We will then transport the deer to the zoo until construction is complete.
We provide our family with the safest and most comfortable living area, but in order to keep you and the animals happy, we recommend you follow these handy helping hints: ¨ Do not try to interact with the animals. Do not let your children “play” with them. ¨ The animals are not a threat to us until someone threatens the safety of their shelter, offspring, or themselves. ¨ Don’t damage our bamboo fence by allowing children to horse play and climb on it. Our EcoLivng Center isn’t like other complexes.. Its not always easy being green but it is better.
Aerator Graph.docx Aerator Graph.docx Aerator Data.xlsx Aerator Data.xlsx
Materials and Cost.xlsx Materials and Cost.xlsx
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