Status of calorimeter simulations Mikhail Prokudin, ITEP
Outline ► π ˚ reconstruction quality ► Cluster finding requirements 2 approaches ► Shower library ► Simplified MC supporting design studies by A. Chernogorov ► Next steps
π ˚ reconstruction quality ► Standard 25GeV AuAu UrQMD event ► γ from same π ˚ ► Smooth with 7%/sqrt(E) energy resolution 3cm position resolution both RMS 2.627e-3 RMS 6.669e-3 RMS 6.692e-3 3cm position resolution doesn’t affect the reconstruction quality!
Requirements for cluster finding procedure ► Fitting routine first approximation ► energy calibration ► position S-curves ► number of photons number of local maximums in cluster iterative procedure ► shower shape shower library ► shower width ► Cluster finding maximize cluster size ► use all possible information for fitting ► minimum 3 cells for cluster with 1 maximum 3 degrees of freedom per photon occupancy ► hadron contamination minimize number of maximums ► less parameters in fit stability
Cluster unfolding. Naive approach ► Color: energy deposition ► Edging: Green: clusters Red: excluded by charged tracks ► Cluster definition: connected area of cells with energy deposition above the threshold ► Threshold ~150MeV BTW, Real tracking!
Cluster finding. Naive approach ► Cluster definition: connected area of cells with energy deposition above the threshold threshold can be found from MC ► Occupancy differs ~10 2 times ► partially compensated by segmentation lost clusters in periphery of calorimeter create too large clusters in central region ► No chance to fit cluster with >7 peaks central region is lost! ► Clusters with size <3 cells require additional information ALICE approach 25 UrQMD events Peaks per cluster
Cluster finding ► Find peak above threshold peaks associated with charged track are removed from the consideration ► Construct an area with certain number of cells around the peak it should contain 2x2 submatrix with maximum energy of 3x3 matrix around peak size determined by ► reconstruction quality of single photon at least 3 cells for reconstruction at least 4 cells for unfolding ► occupancy ► Find areas intersecting with given area ► Construct a cluster PHENIX-like approach
Cluster unfolding ► Color: energy deposition ► Edging: Green: clusters Red: excluded by charged tracks ► Less clusters in central region with new algorithm ► Cluster size under control
Comparison Naive New25 UrQMD events Number of peaks per cluster lower using new approach Peaks per cluster
Conclusions for clustering algorithm ► Naive approach does not work occupancy variations ► New (PHENIX-like) approach number of peaks in cluster under control less sensitive to occupancy ► Real tracking
Shower shape ► Analytical formula for shower shape approximation ALICE and PHENIX experience No memory consumption ► Best for multicore CPU Poor quality for large incident angles ► Shower library Fits exactly to the data Requires a lot of memory ► (and CPU!) Any incident angle checking analytical approximation quality ► Shower width Also needed for fitting procedure Approximation or storing in library?
Shower library ► ECAL with very high segmentation (1x1mm 2 volumes) use one shower multiple times volumes merging procedure ► Transport photons for every: Energy Theta Phi ► Eightfold decrease due to symmetry ► For low energies we have to generate more showers ► Larger fluctuations for low energy showers 10k for 0.49 GeV 2k for 16GeV
Volumes merging ► During shower library creation Faster during reconstruction Also can store RMS (see next slide) Bigger library size Cell size fixed ► Different data set for each cell size ► During reconstruction Homogenous dataset ► Cell size not fixed Information about RMS is lost ► Need analytical approximation for errors More CPU required during reconstruction
Shower width ► Energy deposition in cluster cells are not independent RMS value storing useless ► Need an analytical formula correlations should be in! ► … h4 h5 h4 h5
Shower library ► 170 Mb disk space ► 300 Mb in memory ► Energy: 0.49, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 16 GeV ► Theta: 2˚, 3.5˚, 5˚, 6.5˚, 8˚, 9.5˚, 11˚, 13˚, 16˚, 20˚, 24˚, 28˚, 32˚ ► Phi: 0˚, 10˚, 20˚, 30˚, 40˚ See CbmShowerLib class 6x6cm 2 cells
Shower library 12x12cm 2 cells ► Shower rotating on fly? classical trade CPU vs. memory
Simplified MC supporting design studies ► Constructive details steel band dead material in front fibers insertion ► Necessarily for design works can be used in CBMROOT simulation Ex. 1. SS bands between modules on the ECAL response. Eγ=16 GeV, θ=3° Pb=Sc=1mm. 1- ▲, 2-*, 3-● Steel band effects by A. Chernogorov
Dead material in front of the calorimeter ► Calorimeter 200 layers 1 mm Pb + 1 mm Sc ► Absorber C, Fe, and Cu studied 0.0 X 0, 0.2 X 0, 0.4 X 0, 0.8 X 0 distance to ECAL 2-10m by A. Chernogorov ECAL 5m γ Example: Fe, 5m
Conclusions and next steps ► Real tracking in calorimeter ► Studied different approaches to cluster finding naive one does not work ► Shower library is complete realization in SVN and AUG07 ► Unfolding procedure under (extensive) development analytical formula for shower width ► with correlations can be submitted to SVN any moment ► Design supporting MC studies under way by A.Chernogorov
Procedure of γ reconstruction ► First approximation energy ► calibration position ► S-curves ► Cluster unfolding cluster finding procedure fitting routine ► shower shape shower library ► LHCb like methods ► Pure γ, no background ► Simple and easy to check ► Test site for shower library routines ► Can be done in few month ► ALICE PHENIX-like methods ► Require much more effort CALO parameters should be fixed? From September 2006 CBM collaboration meeting Done From September 2006 CBM collaboration meeting