Preparing and Adding Multimedia
Speaker’s Notes This place used for writing important notes on the presentation slide that you will be talking about to the audience. Place to type Speaker’s Notes. Click to start. Drag this line Up & Down to adjust the writing space. It does not effect the main presentation. Contd….
Speaker’s Notes It is helpful to have the Speaker’s Notes printed while you are presenting in front of the audience. Here is how you can do it - Step-1: Click “View” Step-2: Click “Notes Page” Final View Step-3: Click “Print” from File Tab. Step-4: Select “Notes Pages” from Slide option and press “Print”
Handout Master Handouts are documents you can print from within PowerPoint that include slide representations from your presentation - you can opt to include as many as 9 slides on each handout page, and then the slides look more like thumbnails. 1. Click on the View tab on the Ribbon, locate the Master Views group, and click the Handout Master button (highlighted in red). 2. Handout Master view in PowerPoint Choose desired number of pages from the option called Slides Per Page
Slide Footer Handouts are documents you can print from within PowerPoint that include slide representations from your presentation - you can opt to include as many as 9 slides on each handout page, and then the slides look more like thumbnails. 1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon, locate the Text group, and click the Header & Footer button (highlighted in red). 2. click on the ‘Notes and Handouts’ tab and then check the boxes that says ‘Header’ and ‘Footer’. Once you check each box, you can enter the Text for the Header and Footer in the space provided below the check boxes. 3. If you want to add these Header and Footer to all the Slides, then click on ‘Apply to All’ tab in the “Header and Footer’ window.
Navigating Presentation Navigation from slide to slide is very important for presentation. Here are some commands for quick navigation. Next Slide Previous Slide Go to Slide No. 1 Go to Last Slide
Use of Hyperlinks Hyperlinks are both Internal & External in PowerPoint. The images below show how it is used. 1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon, locate the Links group, and click the Hyperlink button (highlighted in red). 2. The Link to options, Screen Tip allow us to link the highlighted object with the desired destination. 3. After selecting the desired destination, click the Ok button.
Use of Annotations This process allows to underline words or draw/write on the slide. During the slide show: 1.Right click on the slide you wish to annotate. 2.From the shortcut menu, choose Pointer Options > 3.Choose one of the options from the list. pen type and color. 4.Hold the left mouse button as you write or draw on the slide.
Linked Media Files To Embed a Video or Audio File with the presentation do the following - 1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon, locate the Media group, and click the Video/Audio button (highlighted in red). 2. Choices are same for both types. 3. Navigate the desired file & click Insert. Contd….