Teaching on Divorce 1.Acceptable as last resort BUT 1.Acceptable as last resort. Against Gods intention 2.Uncommon in arranged 2.Breaks marriage vows till death marriages 3.Undermines God’s 3.Lower castes always omnipotence of joining together been allowed to divorce “let no man divide” and remarry (woman on relies on financial 4. Remarriage discouraged support of husband/son) (although allowed)but non- religious service preferred Teaching on Adultery 1. Wrong, against God and 1. Wrong, marriage a and sacrament of marriage. Religious duty (samskara) 2. Against 10 Commandments. 2. Scripture and society on approve 3.Harms special relationship. of sex in marriage so chastity 4. Not secure for children and before and fidelity after. partner feels betrayed th step vow broken (faithful) 5. Breaks marriage vow of 4. Should follow example of loyalty faithfulness. shown by Rama & Sita in Ramayana (Divali story) Adultery:- sex with a person other than lawful spouse Infidelity- unfaithfulness Celibacy:-Deciding Never to have a sexual Relationship (Catholic Priest) Chastity:- Not having sex before marriage Responsibility:-Duties, Obligations, expected to do Commitment:- Dedication, Making and keeping a promise Unit 3 Relationships Types of Relationship 1.Family 2.Friends 3.Work 4.Boyfriend/Girlfriend Types of Love 1.Eros (sexual desire) 2.Storge (objects/things) 3.Philia (friends/family) 4.Agape (unconditional) Teaching on Sex before Marriage 1.No sex before marriage 1No sex before marriage Teaching of chastity Students exercise chastity 2.Sex is a gift from god. 2.Children will be important Only between 2 people aspect of marriage (7 steps) 3.Shows commitment, 3.Sensual pleasure (Kama) is one Love and affection of the four Hindu aims of life (Kama,dharma,artha,moksha) The Marriage Rite (Ceremony) Conflict:- disagreements, clashes, confrontation, breakdown of relationships Reconciliation:-Making up, saying sorry, start again. Christian Marriage Rite *Takes place in a Church *Vicar conducts the service. *Friends and family witness (need min of 2) *Vows are made to be faithful and be together till death. Rings are exchanged as a symbol of this. *Readings from the bible and prayers and blessings (couple joined by God “Let no man divide”) *Register is signed (legal) Teaching on Contraception Anglican=acceptable, sex within marriage, both partners agree, children as gift from god and should be wanted/planned for. Bible does not directly teach against it. Catholic=artificial forms not acceptable, sex strengthens bond and should always be open to possibility of new life, all life is sacred and a gift from god, it is against natural law which is the will of God and purpose of humanity and sex. Hinduism=allowed by some but others believe it is against ahimsa. However, social and economic factors can be seen as more important. No child should be conceived of lust, so a samskara is done to purify the womb before conception. Pressures-Why Divorce? 1. No communication 2. Unemployment or financial 3. Children (have or lack of) 4. Infidelity (unfaithful/affairs) 5. Interference (family) 6.Unacceptable behaviour “Haven't you read that the one who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female’ and said, ‘That is why a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, man must never separate.” Mt 19:4 1 Cor 7:10 “I tell you that whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” Mt 19:9 A wife must not leave her husband. But if she does leave him, she must remain unmarried Hindu Marriage Rite *Marriage is a duty-part of varnashramadharma *Arranged by family and usually same caste *Red/gold sari worn by bride and her hands and feet will be richly decorated in mendhi patterns. *Takes place either in a Temple or Brides home *Prayers to Ganesh (good luck). *Special offerings are made in the havan and the couples right hands are tied together. They take 7 steps around the havan symbolising what the hope for in marriage e.g. Friendship, Children. Happiness, wealth. Why Marry? 1.Begins a special relationship between two people. Part of God’s purpose. 2. Demonstrates love and commitment.. 3. Sex only within marriage to have children and bring up together. 1. Part of varnashramadharma to begin householder stage. 2. Considered a sacrament which God is involved in. 3. Begins a relationship between 2 extended families. Not just Couple involved