UCAR These organizations have created guidance for the next Administration and Congress on making our nation more resilient to the impacts of severe weather and climate change Why is this happening? What are the group’s recommendations? How is this different from similar past transition efforts? How can you get involved? Jack Fellows AMS Summer Community Meeting 13 August 2008 Boulder, Colorado
Why is This Happening and How Different From the Past? UCAR and the AMS have created this type of Transition Materials in the past. What is different and why have all these partners joined together now? –IPCC. The world is committed to varying levels of climate change despite ideas to limit greenhouse gas emissions. –Scale. Local/regional decision maker are struggling with climate adaptation and severe weather. –Resources. Years of declining budgets for research and adaptation activities. –Legislation. Rush to mitigation action.
Why is This Happening and How Different From the Past? Rush to Legislation. The 110 th Congress produced 2X the bills addressing climate change and greenhouse gas emissions than the last Congress. ~60 senators either directly or indirectly support greenhouse gas cap-and-trade legislation The next President will have support in the Senate for the “right” C&T bill. These bills are relatively silent on the need for basic science investments or adaptation approaches.. probably just assuming these will be there when needed.
What has happened to date? In August 2007, UCAR, AMS, and the Weather Coalition began discussing a two-page Transition Document to be provided to campaigns during the primaries and the collection of nominations for leaders in the next Administration – before policies and people get too fixed! Focus would be on making our Nation more resilient to severe weather and climate change – not just listing our needs! UCAR Board asked that other partners be sought – looked at NGOs and current partners. A website was created to house the TD, some ideas on implementing the TD, and a place to nominate leaders. These materials were provided to the Clinton, Obama, and McCain campaigns. The Partners have been working on specific guidance for Transition Teams – to be released soon!
Solving Problems for the Public: “Understanding weather and climate regional and local impacts and having the science and policy tools to make our nation more resilient to these hazards must be a high priority for our country.”
Recommended Actions 1.Observations. Fully fund the Earth observing satellite and ground-based instruments as recommended by the NRC. 2.Computing. Greatly increase the computer power. 3.Research and Modeling. Support a broad research and applied program to advance present understanding of weather and climate and their impacts on society. 4.Societal Relevance. Support education, training, and communication efforts to use the observations, models, and application tools for the maximum benefit of society. 5.Leadership and Management. Implement effective leadership, management, and evaluation approaches to ensure these investments are done in the best interest of the nation.
Transition Team Details Leadership. There will be little success without great leaders: asking for community nominations. Management. –Climate Change Science Program Version 2.0 –Highest level reports to the President –Involves all enterprise sectors –national climate services approaches Resources. Provide budget estimates that reflect key community documents.
How Can You Get Involved? The partners are distributing these materials soon and working with Transition Teams. Your role: Once this is public –Use the materials. –Make nominations.