Politics & International Relations ERASMUS and International Exchanges
Erasmus - where? Belgium University of Leuven Finland University of Helsinki France Sciences Po, Grenoble Sciences Po, Paris Germany Free University of Berlin University of Cologne Spain Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid Turkey Bilkent University, Ankara
Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven 3 places Language: English Courses include: History of European Integration Peace Research International Environmental Politics Strategy and Global Security Analysis Institutions and Policy of the EU IR and European integration since WWII China and Global Politics
Helsingin Yliopisto (Helsinki) 3 places (College-wide competition) Run by International Office Courses held in English Courses are within 3 streams: Administration and organisation Political science World politics
Sciences Po, Grenoble 3 places Language: French France’s leading centre for public research with an established international reputation Courses include: Interest groups and collective action Major debates in IR EU economy The populist radical right Political economy
Sciences Po, Paris 6 places Courses are held in English and French (French not compulsory) World-famous, French elite school in the heart of Paris Wide variety of courses Foundations of moral and political thought Defence and international security Theories of IR Politics in the EU Environmental politics Introduction to civil disobedience
Freie Universität, Berlin 1 place Language: English for some courses German useful to expand options Courses include Transitional Justice Political economy Modern political theories Gender and globalization Rising power and the new world order Theories of international institutions
Universität zu Köln 1 place Courses in English and German (German not compulsory) Courses include: The political system of the EU Global Economics Civil society in communist countries
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid 2 places Language: English and Spanish Courses include: International Security International Political Economy Regional studies Religion and politics in international affairs Geo-politics of natural resources
Bilkent Universitesi, Ankara 2 places Courses in English Top Turkish university Courses include: Comparative politics Turkish politics
International (not EU) exchange University-wide competition (i.e. not selected by PIR) USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, South Korea, Singapore, Mexico, Argentina, Chile Delhi 4 places (allocated from History, English lit, Politics) Contact Prof Crispin Bates: Must be able to take sufficient politics courses check before you apply!
Eligibility You need to have obtained all your required course passes by the summer exams no resits or 'Not Presents' are allowed You need to have gained entry to honours There are no exceptions to this
Application criteria Linguistic ability in destination country, if required First year performance No grade lower than ‘C’ Motivation for wanting to study at your first choice university 300 words max Ambassadorial qualities Extra-curricular activities, demonstrating contribution to their community Difference the experience would make for you 500 words max Weighting: 50% on first year performance 50% on motivation and ambassadorial qualities
Choosing courses Level: year 3 or higher Content: substantially politics or international relations in content, depending on degree Credits ERASMUS: 60/52/30/26/20/18 ECTS, depending on degree and location ERASMUS: you may take 5 ECTS in local language International: depends on university (see Int Office info)
Substitute courses for honours You are recommended to find replacements for the following compulsory honours courses, or take them in 4 th year Single honours Politics BOTH Global Justice and Citizenship AND Approaches to Politics and IR Single honours IR BOTH Approaches to Politics and IR AND Theories of IR, as well as EITHER Global Justice and Citizenship OR Global Security, OR International Political Economy Non-language joint honours with Politics EITHER Global Justice and Citizenship OR Approaches to Politics and IR Non-language joint honours with IR EITHER Global Justice and Citizenship OR Theories of IR Modern European Languages joint honours with Politics Global Justice and Citizenship OR Approaches to Politics and IR Arabic joint honours with Politics No courses for credit, but required to do Global Justice and Citizenship OR Approaches to Politics and IR in 4 th year
Assessment for Politics & IR ~1 Single honours P&IR: pass / fail Most Erasmus programmes: 60 ECTS Sciences Po, Paris and Leuven: 52 ECTS Non-language joint honours: pass / fail Most Erasmus programmes: 30 ECTS Sciences Po, Paris and Leuven: 26 ECTS Honours degree will be classified solely on the basis of your performance in your final (usually 4 th ) year. Year abroad performance is still important Have to pass all courses! CV
Assessment for Politics & IR ~2 Modern European languages AND Politics degree course marks translated into UoE marks most Erasmus programmes: 20 ECTS Sciences Po, Paris and Leuven: 18 ECTS year abroad marks count towards degree if on internship or work experience, one 4000-word, politics/IR essay (in English) for each semester (with supervisor in P&IR) Arabic AND Politics degree One 4000-word, politics/IR essay (in English) for each semester (with supervisor in P&IR)
What to do next? Fill out applications online, via international office website student mobility portal Application period is November 2014 Deadline: 17:00 on 28 th November, 2014 Offer: December 2014 / January 2015
Websites for more information International Office departments/international-office/exchanges/home departments/international-office/exchanges/home PIR-specific information rogramme_specific_information/pir/honours/studyi ng_abroad rogramme_specific_information/pir/honours/studyi ng_abroad