“Irkutsk State Institute of Advanced Training of Medical Doctors of Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development” State institution of additional postgraduate education “Irkutsk State Institute of Advanced Training of Medical Doctors of Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development”
By order of Public Health Ministry Irkutsk State Institute of Advanced Training of Medical Doctors (ISIATMD) is the head institution of postgraduate education of health manpower in the Siberian Federal District (SFD). The Council of postgraduate education of health manpower in the SFD includes 10 institutes of higher education and 13 bodies of health management of subjects of the federation in SFD.
Education of physicians, pharmacists and nurses in 2009 General number of students: Planned 4022 Actual 4101
ISIATMD includes 34 subdepartments and 2 departments: medical and surgical The Faculty people: DPhil - 61 Candidates of science Teaching staff with academic degree – 88,44 % Percentage of DPhil - 30,65 % Mean age of the Staff - 49 years
postgraduate students – 50 candidates - 77 There is a Council of Young Scientists in ISIATMD
6 educators have obtained pedagogic higher education During last 3 years all the teaching staff underwent advanced training in pedagogics Forms of advanced training: Course of advanced training Seminars Conferences, etc.
Section of educational quality and techniques Major functions: Development and implementation of new educational techniques Quality control of the educational process using automated test bases
The automated informational system of quality management of education have been created The system of quality management ISO is in the process of implementation
Priority scientific areas (1) Improvement of the diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases Diagnostics, treatment and prevention of neurological and psychiatric diseases Intensification of medioprophylactic work in maternity and childhood protection
Priority scientific areas (2) Early detection, treatment and prevention of principal surgical and oncological diseases Epidemiology and prevention of the most common and socially-significant infectious diseases in Eastern Siberia Sociohygienic problems of public health. Improvement of public health management
Electronic information resources are concentrated in Scientific Medical Library of ISIATMD. Data on this resources are presented on the website of the Institution Remote access technologies and teaching modules in electronic form (approximately 30) are used for training students
Currently the pilot draft of implementation of 5-year model of continued education of district* physicians and pediatricians is realizing on the base of Shelekhovskaya Central Regional hospital in Irkutsk region * District doctor - doctor in charge of a section in a city area