What are the 3 main questions???
What are the 3 main questions??? What goods/ services should be produced? 2. How should they be produced? 3. For whom should they be produced?
Types of Economic Systems There are 4 systems that differ based on how they answer the 3 basic questions (what, how, for whom to produce) Trdn Cmnd Mrk Mxd The traditional commander made his mark with his mix
Traditional Economy: system in which economic decisions are based on customs & beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation “Things are done the way they always have been done” Economic decisions are based on customs & beliefs handed from generation to generation If your father was a fisherman, you would be a fisherman, your son would be a fisherman, etc…
Traditional Economy… ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES You know what’s expected of you Family/ community ties are very strong DISADVANTAGES Change is discouraged & even punished Choices among consumer goods are rare Rare increase in the level of material well-being Things tend to stay the same In Australia, Aboriginal tribes/ civilizations are traditional economies
Command Economy: system in which the gov’t controls the factors of production & makes all decisions about their use Also known as a “controlled system” Decisions in gov’t are made by leaders only One leader, small group of leaders, group of central planners Leaders control all facets of the factors of production (LALAgsCAP’EN) You get paid what your leader decides & you may not be able to choose your own career
Command Economy… DISADVANTAGES Lack of incentives to work hard since gov’t set workers’ salaries Little/ no room of “moving up” Lack of consumer choices North Korea is a command economy – all economic activity is gov’t planned
Market Economy: system in which individuals own the factors of production & make economic decisions through free interaction while looking out for their own & their families’ best interests Also known as “capitalism” Opposite of a command economy Limited gov’t makes it possible for individuals to make their own economic decisions Individuals control all facets of production (LALAgsCAP’EN) These decisions are guided by market prices
Market Economy…. MARKETS: Market: process of freely exchanging goods & services between buyers & sellers Voluntary exchange Worldwide – oil Local – babysitting/ snow shoveling High priced goods = relatively scarce product Low priced goods = relatively plentiful product *Prices can fluctuate between high & low – this results in an incentive-driven system*
Market Economy… ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Freedoms: choose career, spend freely, own property, take risks, earn profits Competition allows for a HUGE array of goods & services to pick from DISADVANTAGES Too old/ too young/ too sick are pushed out of the system & rely on charity or hand-outs
Market Economy…Circular Flow of Income/ Output Circular flow of income & output: economic model that pictures income as flowing continuously between businesses & consumers The flow of resources, goods & services, & income is circular
Circular flow of income & output Dollars flow from businesses to individuals & back to businesses Factors of production flow from individuals to businesses, which use them to produce goods & services that flow back to the individuals
Mixed Economy: system combining characteristics of more than one type of economy (market & command) Most countries in the world have a mixed economy Private ownership of property & individual decision making are combined with gov’t intervention & regulations United States most decisions are made by individuals within the market BUT federal, state & local gov’ts make laws protecting private property & regulating areas of business I own my own business & control everything BUT need to follow business regulations
How can you (we) remember the following: Your Turn…. Come up with a memory device…. How can you (we) remember the following: 4 types of systems: traditional, command, market, mixed We’ll vote on the best…. That person gets 5 smackers!!!
Circular flow of income & output Dollars flow from businesses to individuals & back to businesses Factors of production flow from individuals to businesses, which use them to produce goods & services that flow back to the individuals
Major Economic Systems (you’ll see this again… do it right!) Type of system Who makes decisions based on the basic 3 questions? Advantages Disadvantages Traditional Command Market Mixed