OAA Parent Meeting Everything you need to know about Ohio Achievement Assessment for your child.
Current OAA Format PARCC Common Core Assessments Current OAA Tests Reading: Grades 3-8 OAA Mathematics: Grades 3-8 OAA Science: Grades 5 and 8 OAA Writing: Grade 4 & 7 OAA (suspended) Social Studies: Grade 5 & 8 OAA (suspended) 2
A Look at the OAA All OAA are based on the grade level standards. The third grade OAA is based on what students should know by the end of third grade. Standards help educators identify and measure what a student should be able and can do. The OAA tells us how well your child is progressing towards what he/she is expected to know.
What does the OAA look like?
Reading Assessment There are 4 different types of selections Questions include multiple choice (3 choices), short answer and extended response. Each question is given a point value. Types of stories USUALLY include fiction, non- fiction, poetry, and other. Questions also include antonyms, synonyms, contractions, homophones, vocabulary, etc. Students often will have to read charts/graphs and interpret them.
Example of Extended Response
Math OAA
Math Extended Response
Extended Response (Continued)
8 th Grade
Testing Day Child Enters room/ Please don’t be tardy 2-#2 pencils must be sharpened All charts/tables are covered that could help a child during the test Examples: 100’s chart/ vowel chart/ multiplication fact chart 3 rd & 4 th Grade write in their testing booklet. 5 th – 8 th Grade have testing booklet and a separate answer document to bubble and write their short answer & extended response on. Overall directions are read to child, but child must read their own directions during the test. Child has 2-1/2 hours to complete the test. We usually take 2- 3 short breaks. Teacher may not assist a child with questions or words he/she may not know. Child may have the full 2 ½ hours if needed. (student must have a book to read on test day)
How You Can Help Your Child Visit the statewide testing website for practice tests, explanation of what a child should be able to know depending on their grade: (Success website)
Parent Tips Get a good night’s sleep the week before the test and the week of the tests. Good NUTRITIOUS breakfast before coming to school. Remind your child to relax. All you ask of your child is to do your best. It is OK if there is part of the test you don’t understand…Just try! Answer EVERY QUESTION! Double check by going back and re-reading every question AND every answer (there are 2 ½ hours, so use it!) Testing Dates: Reading- Tuesday, April 23 th Math- Wednesday, April 24 th Science – Thursday, April 25 th
What can we do to help you? or call one of us if you have any additional concerns or questions…We are here to help! Questions? Thank you for attending today’s meeting!