Maps & Globes Basic map components, types, & projection
Basic Map Components Compass Rose- shows the cardinal directions: north, east, south, west. Up is not a direction on a map!
Basic Map Components Legend/Key- shows the meanings of symbols on a map.
Basic Map Components Scale- shows how much area is covered on the map; can be expressed as a ratio, a bar, or a statement.
Global Grid Latitude “parallels” Run east to west Measure north & south.
Global Grid Equator- starting point for measuring latitude; 0º N & S. Equator- starting point for measuring latitude; 0º N & S. Poles- 90º N & S Poles- 90º N & S Tropic of Capricorn- 23.5º S Tropic of Capricorn- 23.5º S Tropic of Cancer- 23.5º N. Tropic of Cancer- 23.5º N. Arctic Circle- 66.5º N Arctic Circle- 66.5º N Antarctic Circle- 66.5º S. Antarctic Circle- 66.5º S.
Global Grid Longitude “meridians” Run north to south Converge at the poles Measure east & west.
Global Grid Prime Meridian- starting point for measuring longitude; 0º East & West; runs through Greenwich, England. Prime Meridian- starting point for measuring longitude; 0º East & West; runs through Greenwich, England. International Date Line- 180º East & West approximately. International Date Line- 180º East & West approximately.
Hemispheres ½ of the globe. ½ of the globe. Equator divides Northern & Southern. Equator divides Northern & Southern. Prime Meridian & International Date Line divide Eastern & Western. Prime Meridian & International Date Line divide Eastern & Western.
Map Projection Flat maps tend to be distorted in either shape or size. Different map projections try to minimize these distortions. A Globe is the most accurate map.
Types of Maps Physical Maps- shows physical features like mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. Relief- changes in elevation.
Types of maps Topographic map- uses contour lines to show relief.
Types of Maps Political Maps- show political features like boundaries, borders, cities, capitals, etc.
Types of Maps Special Purpose Maps- designed to display a specific type of information.
Types of Maps Mental Maps- the maps you have in your head that help you move around.
Miscellaneous Atlas- a collection of maps in book form. Atlas- a collection of maps in book form. Gazetteer- an index of maps. Gazetteer- an index of maps. Cartographer- a mapmaker Cartographer- a mapmaker