The Art of Growing
Introduction We are from “Centre for Agriculture and Rural development” working for the innovation & sustainable agriculture development activities
Our Goal To Study & analyze use of different fertilizers on soil fertility To understand the importance of organic agriculture method of cultivation To create awareness among the farmers to conserve soil
How can we grow enough food with out polluting our Environment ? Our Mission:
Our team consists of - Agriculture officer Entomologist Social worker
Our field trip Location Kunjalakatte, Mangalore dist. Karnataka Our team visited the village and conducted survey and research.
Survey & Research conducted We visited the Kunjalakatte village for community survey for 6 days –19 th to 24 th February, 2006 –Mor:8.30 to9.45 am –Eve:4.30 to 5.30 pm
Collection of facts during the survey Total No of Farmers 25 No of Farmer land irrigated10 No of Farmer lands partially Irrigated11 No of Farmer lands Not Irrigated04 Total No of Farmers 25 No of Farmers Using inorganic Fertilizers & Pesticides 15 No of Farmers using organic Fertilizers & pesticides 02 No of Farmers using organic & inorganic method 08
Graph showing the crop yield per hectare for past six years
Comparative studies Inorganic Method Organic Method Constant yield through out the years Fertility of soil increases Retains microorganisms No water pollution No harmful effects on farmers health Weeds can be controlled by organic pesticides Less maintenance cost Results in better yield in beginning but gradually yield decreases Deteriorates fertility of soil Destroys the microorganisms Causes water pollution Harmful effects on farmers health Difficult to control the weeds Maintenances cost in high
Analysis of our study The quantity of chemical fertilizer added to the fields is increased every year to maintain the same quantity of yield. Because of increase in the addition of fertilizer to the soil,the soil becomes highly acidic /alkaline in nature & thus loses its fertility. The quantity of organic fertilizer added to the fields has decreased gradually by years, but still the quantity of yield as well as the fertility of the soil has increased significantly.
Observations of Agriculture Officer Majority farmers use chemical fertilizers & pesticides very often Fertility of soil decreased due to increase in use of chemical fertilizers which resulted in reduction in crop yields every year Soil pollution is very high leading top & ground water pollution Farmer suffers from serious health hazards like : Skin allergies, Respiratory deceases, etc., Few farmers meet experts for counseling on best practices Though few farmers have undergone training on agricultural practices, they hardly implement
Observations of Entomologist There is increase in use of pesticides year after year No proper seed treatment while sowing Few farmers use alternative methods in pest prevention like crop rotation method (which will reduce the diseases in crops up to 90% ) and integrated pest management methods Ignorance in using the right quantity & quality of pesticides of crops Few farmers meet experts for counseling on best practices for pest control Though few farmers have undergone training on pest management, they hardly implement
Observations of Social Worker More than 20% are below poverty line Most farmers are unaware of government agriculture policies and loans. Some them utilize their loans for other purposes. Due to middle-man, unable to get the good price for their products Misguiding by seeds and fertilizers companies No Crop preservative cold storage rooms Lack of knowledge about Commercial crops Unavailability of seeds and fertilizers in peak crop seasons Natural disasters affect crop yield No financial planning Habits like alcohol consumption, smoking, lottery etc prevalent
Our Suggestions To Farmers: Those who are using Inorganic method, shift to organic method which is eco-friendly, economical and natural way of cultivation. Increase the fertility of soil by using Bio & compost manure. Maintenances cost can be reduced by using bio manure and bio fertilizers Weeds can be controlled by biological method, i.e., crop rotation method & bio pesticides Proper usage of water and manures balances the pH level in the soil
Local administration must take initiative to provide all necessary support to uplift the farmer socio-economic status Government should give more subsidy to purchase seeds, fertilizers & agricultural tools Government should create awareness on agricultural loans & Insurance schemes specially designed for farmer’s development. For Local government and agriculture department
Govt. should motivate & Facilitate them to take up jobs in other braches of agriculture. Ex: Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Breeding & Rearing of domesticated animals, sericulture, etc., Government must devise a plan to setup the cold storage buildings, agriculture help desk in every taluka head quarters Government should strive to get the better value for their grown crops New inventions in the field of agriculture should reach the farmers to enhance their life
Conclusion With the increased and prolonged use of chemical fertilizers the fertility of the soil reduces and thus the rate of yield also reduces. With the use of organic fertilizers the soil becomes enriched with nutrients and the fertility of the soil goes on increasing gradually thus yielding more qualitative and quantitative yield. The investment for fertilizers goes on increasing with use of chemical fertilizers organic fertilizers while the investment for fertilizers goes on decreasing with use of organic fertilizers. The use of organic fertilizer is eco-friendly whereas the use of chemical fertilizers harms the natural balance.
Courtesy URL: Printed materials: Text book of our class Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia School library Others: Dept of Agriculture Our school teaching staff Village & Gram panchayat members Local Co-operative Bank staff Local NGO resource persons