How we choose to define poverty and the causes of poverty will directly impact how we conceptualize development and solutions to poverty. It also defines the reasons why we choose to be involved in poverty alleviation efforts. If poverty is seen as only a lack of material things then the answer is providing material goods. If poverty is the result of poor personal choices then the answer is changed behaviors. If poverty is the result of societal oppression then the answer is changing societal structures.
What is your personal view of poverty? What is your personal view of the nature and purpose of development?
A focus on international development first began after WWI. Early perspectives focused on poverty as the lack of material goods. Heavy emphasis on a modern worldview and that development is them (the materially poor and the global South) becoming like us (the materially non-poor and the West). There followed a development in theory and practice from simply a lack of material basic needs to a lack of knowledge, information and skills. Then a further development to the concept that the basis of poverty is a lack of access – economic, political, social and environmental access. The poor lack access to credit, natural resources, markets, political voice, etc. With these shifts there was also a shift in theory and practice from large scale, macro-economic reformations toward small scale, people-centered and community-based programs.
Physical Causes Lack of basic needs such as food, water and shelter Poor health and education Lack of basic assets such as money, land and livestock Social Causes Unjust social structures and malfunctioning social institutions Powerlessness Lack of access to social and political capital Unjust worldviews and cultural institutions Unjust actions by the non-poor Mental Causes Lack of knowledge and technical information Limited ability to learn Poverty of being – a self-defeating and minimalizing self-view
According to Bryant Myers, poverty is primarily the result of broken relationships – broken relationships with God, with self, with others and with the earth – which are themselves a result of sin. Poverty is when people’s relationships do not work toward their well being. Therefore, at its deepest level, the cause of poverty is spiritual.
The poor are those who possess a marred identity. A poverty of being. The poor are those who have forgotten or been denied their true vocation. A poverty of purpose. The poor are those whose relationships work against their well being. A poverty of relationships.
Poverty of Being – the materially poor often possess a marred identity in which their self and communal image is a reflection of the negative stereotypes propagated and maintained by the non-poor. They believe in a false and negative myth of who they are and what they can be, instead of seeing themselves as being created in the image of God. Poverty of Purpose – the materially poor often possess a poverty of purpose in which they understand that they are the servants of others and have nothing substantial to offer. Poverty of Relationships – the materially poor often have relationships that do not benefit them and lack the opportunities, knowledge and abilities to develop relationships that could benefit their well being.
Poverty of Being – the materially non-poor also possess a marred identity – a god-complex in which they believe they have a right to benefit at the expense of others and that they know what is best. Poverty of Purpose – the materially non-poor often have forgotten the purpose for work set by God, which is to care for His creation and for others. Instead work is viewed as a means for self-gain. Because of this, they diminish who they can be and who God desires for them to be. Poverty of Relationships – The materially non-poor often do not have relationships with those who are materially poor. By doing so, they blind themselves to the struggles going on in the lives of millions of people worlwide.
From this perspective, both the materially poor and the materially non-poor are both in a state of poverty, only in different ways. This is not to minimize the poverty of the materially poor, but instead to indicate that the poverty of the materially poor cannot be addressed without addressing the poverty of the non-poor. For both, there is the need for redemption and healing in their relationships with God, with self, with others and with the rest of creation.
In looking at the poor and non-poor, marred identity and god-complexes it is important to remember that these are not static terms. A person or group can possess both a marred identity and god-complexes, seeing themselves as less than some but better than others. This can occur between groups, within communities and within families. A materially poor man may suffer from a marred identity in regards to his relationship with his wealthy employer but a god-complex in regards to his relationship with his wife and children. In addition, people may fluctuate in the degree to which they suffer from a marred identity and/or god- complexes.
Friedmann sees development as the mobilization of disempowered family’s social power into political power in order to bring about political change to improve their quality of life. Friedmann focuses on not the indivdiual, but the family as the basic social unit. Sees households as being empowered in three ways: socially, politically and psychologically
Twin goals of biblical transformation: Changing People: Recovering true identity and true vocation Restoring Shalom: Just and Peaceful Relationships with God, self, others and creation
IdentityVocation Poor Believing that they are made in the image of God and therefore have inherent worth Believing that they have gifts to contribute and they are called to be productive stewards Non-Poor Laying down their god- complexes, believing they are made in God’s image and are not God themselves Believing that their gifts are for sharing, not control, and that they are to lead as servants, not masters.
The purpose of transformational development is not only increasing resources, building capacity or access or creating choices. These are important aspects of development only when they help the poor to recover a sense of who they are and what their purpose is. In this, transformational development is about creating relationships that are just for both the poor and non-poor and that create prosperity through peace.
According to Myers the foundation of development lies in the redemption of relationships – relationships with God, with others, with one’s self, and with the rest of creation. For those with a marred identity the idea is that they begin to see themselves as someone of worth capable of improving their own lives For those with god complexes the idea is that they begin to realize that such complexes lessen who they are and that development for them involves a humbling of self.
Serving those who are materially poor without causing more harm is an important issue that every person seeking to engage in poverty alleviation must continually examine.
The Modern Worldview The Traditional Worldview SPIRITUAL WORLD God Allah Christian Witness Personal Religion PHYSICAL WORLD Hear, see, feel & touch Science and technology Development HIGH RELIGION Creator High God Formal religion LOW RELIGION Shamans and magic Ancestors and spirits Curses and blessings Folk religion SEEN WORLD Hear, see, feel & touch Relationships, community & family Folk science THE EXCLUDED MIDDLE
A majority of Western approaches to development, including that of the Church, is focused almost exclusively on the physical world. If people are sick it is because of poor nutrition, dirty water, polluted environment, etc. If people’s crops fail it is back of environmental factors. For many people who are extremely poor materially, especially in the global South, the answer is spiritual. If people are sick it is because of a curse. If their crops fail it is because they have angered the spirits. For Christians it is an act of God or the influence of demons. The middle plays a very important role in the well-being of life. Story about malaria and mosquitoes – who sent the mosquitoes? It is not uncommon for people to seek answers in all three levels at once. If they are sick they go to the doctor for Western medicine, to the church for prayer and to the traditional healer for traditional medicines. This is not seen as contradictory, but rather a practical approach to cover all of one’s bases.
Participatory Action Research is based on the ideas that the materially poor and disempowered have inherent strengths and capabilities to bring change to their lives and that development workers and researchers are to be co-learners and actors with these communities. We do not do it for them and they are not wholly responsible for bringing change to their lives. Instead, there is to be a partnership in which both sides use their strengths to bring about social change. In PAR community participants play a central role in every aspect of the development project, from planning and design, to implementation, to evaluation and adjustments. An emphasis in PAR is not only in ensuring the completion of the project but also seeking to help community members learn how to critically assess their situation, resources and strengths, to plan and work together to achieve a common goal, and to access need resources and assistance.
God’s story Community’s story Program A shared story Community’s new story Our new story Our story
It is important to remember that we are not bringing God. He has always been there and will always be there seeking to bring about change. It is also important to remember that the people we serve have a story which will continue long after we leave. This means that their perspectives and views must always be respected and often take precedence over our own. It also means that any development must be owned by them. They must want it, they must be intimately involved in all aspects of the project and they must be able to continue it after we leave. If these criteria are not present then true development cannot occur.
Chambers, Robert Ideas for Development. Sterling, VA: Earthscan. Christian, Jayakumar God of the Empty- Handed: Poverty, Power, and the Kingdom of God. Monrovia, CA: MARC. Corbett, Steve When Helping Hurts. Chicago: IL: Moody Publishers. Friedmann, Thomas Empowerment: The Politics of Alternative Development. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Myers, Bryant Walking with the Poor. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. Sen, Amartya Development as Freedom. New York: Anchor Books.