Hades God of The Underworld By: Jordan Lehman Alex Tinnyo
Hades, god of the underworld, was born from Rhea and Cronus along with his brothers Zeus and Poseidon. ► Hades’ emblem is a metal helmet of his, which had the ability to make him turn invisible. It was called the Healm of darkness. ► Some traces of Hades is the former planet Pluto, which is named after Hades, and the Hades employment agency.
Hades 123 underworld rd. Pluto, solar system OBJECTIVE-Ruler of all EDUCATION- PhD from rule the world university WORK EXPERIENCE- Ruler of the month award months in a row, and has experience with dark places. REFERENCE- Poseidon, Zeus, The Devil.
Shades of Hades By: Robin Ouzman Hislop ► Do Shades of Hades speak undead words, through yet still fears, through yet desires, that to human ears cannot be heard? Only human blood can freshen oracle lips to speak live words to human heart's need, where the undead sip.
BIBLIOGRAPHY All sites listed in this project are used under the fair use policy. ► e_hades.jpg e_hades.jpg e_hades.jpg ► theast/pprojects/Group%202/%20text/nonn i_/nonni/underworld/images/hades.gif