History Following the tragic events that occurred on Sep. 11, 2001, state and local government officials increased opportunities for citizens to become an integral part of protecting the homeland and supporting local first responders. In Jan. 2002, the President of the United States launched Citizen Corps, to capture the spirit of service that emerged throughout our communities following the terrorist attacks and to help answer two key questions being asked by citizens, “What can I do?” and “How can I help?”. Citizen Corps was created to help coordinate volunteer activities that will make our communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to any emergency situation. It provides opportunities for people to participate in a range of measures to make their families, their homes, and their communities safer from the threats of crime, terrorism, and disasters of all kinds.
Why Involve Citizens? In 95% of all emergencies, bystanders or victims themselves are the first to provide emergency assistance or to perform a rescue. Source: Los Angeles Fire Department
Less than 1 percent of the U.S. population is an emergency responder That means: 1 firefighter for every 265 people –1.1 million firefighters, of which 750,000 are volunteers 1 sworn officer for every 334 people –436,000 sworn law enforcement personnel –291,000 sworn sheriff’s office personnel 1 EMT/paramedic for every 325 people –890,000 people to provide all levels of pre-hospital services: Basic EMT, intermediate EMT, paramedic Sources: Journal of Emergency Medical Services (2004); National Fire Protection Association (2003); National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (2003)
Why Citizen Corps? “The first responder on the street may not even be the police or fire; it's the guy who's there when the accident occurs. The Citizen Corps, followed by the local first responders, followed then by the national officials can make a real difference in our community.” Robert Eckels, Harris County Judge U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs September 28, 2005
Citizen Corps Mission To harness the power of every individual through education, training, and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues, and disasters of all kinds.
We all have a role in hometown security Citizen Corps asks you to embrace the personal responsibility to be prepared; to get training in first aid and emergency skills; and to volunteer to support local emergency responders, disaster relief, and community safety.
Everyone can do something to help make our families and our communities safer through: Personal responsibility: Developing a household preparedness plan and disaster supplies kits, observing home health and safety practices, implementing disaster mitigation measures, and participating in crime prevention and reporting. Training: Taking classes in emergency preparedness, response capabilities, first aid, CPR, fire suppression, and search and rescue procedures. Volunteer service: Engaging individuals in volunteer activities that support first responders, disaster relief groups, and community safety organizations. Everyone can do something to support local law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, community public health efforts, and the four stages of emergency management: prevention, mitigation, response and recovery efforts.
Citizen Corps National Strategy Citizen Corps functions as the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s only comprehensive effort to connect federal, state and local governments with non-governmental groups and the private sector to support all aspects of citizen and community preparedness. The program focuses on cultural change: People need to take more responsibility for individual and community preparedness, and emergency responders need to include the citizens in emergency planning, education, training, and exercises.
Citizen Corps National Strategy The Citizen Corps mission is accomplished through a national network of 2,300 state, local, and tribal Citizen Corps Councils. These Councils build on community strengths to implement the Citizen Corps programs and carry out a local strategy to have every American participate. Collaboration with the 32 national partner and affiliate organizations and countless local organizations is integral to accomplishing the Citizen Corps mission. “They are the key element. The real first responders are our citizens. We can't do our job without them.” - Chief Ed Plaugher Arlington Co. Fire Dept. 2001
Citizen Corps Partners The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates and trains citizens in basic disaster response skills. Fire Corps promotes the use of citizen advocates to provide support to fire and rescue departments. The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Program helps medical, public health, and other volunteers offer their expertise. Neighborhood Watch/USAonWatch incorporates terrorism awareness education into its existing crime prevention mission. Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) works to enhance the capacity of state and local law enforcement to utilize volunteers.
Citizen Corps Affiliates To be considered for official, national affiliation with Citizen Corps, programs and organizations must: –support the mission of citizen participation in making America safer, –be non-profit or government sponsored and nationwide in scope, –be non-partisan, and –not be listed on any Federal or State registers of financial non- responsibility. Affiliate programs and organizations provide: −materials and resources for public education or training; −volunteer service opportunities to support first responders, disaster relief activities, and community safety efforts; or −represent volunteers with an interest in homeland security Coordination and mutual support of respective activities
Citizen Corps Affiliates
Other Citizen Corps Partnerships Citizen Corps also works closely with the Corporation for National and Community Service to promote volunteer service activities that support homeland security and community safety. Citizen Corps works closely with Ready.gov to help everyone in America get a kit, make a plan, and be informed about disasters.
National Policy & Guidance Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 8 –National Preparedness Strategy & Goal (8 th Priority!) –Target Capabilities List / Capabilities Assessment Integration required in State Strategies Homeland Security Grant Program National Response Plan and Planning Guidance –CPG 101 and EOPs Nationwide Plan Review / Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program Coordination with national standards like NFPA 1600
Citizen Corps Local Strategy and Implementation Increased collaboration between government and community leaders = x x PREPAREDCITIZENSPREPAREDCITIZENS + Terrorism Natural Hazards Household All Hazards Crime Public Health Medical Emergencies Technological Hazards Emergencies + Collaboration & Planning Public Ed & Outreach / Alerts-Warnings Training and Exercises Volunteer Opportunities (Year round and in crisis) SPECIALNEEDSSPECIALNEEDS Neighborhoods / HOAs Schools/Univ Places of worship Critical Infrastr Private Sector Public Sector Military Bases Recreation Shopping Malls Hospitality Transportation
As of 4/1/09: 2,369 Councils in all 50 states and 5 U.S. territories Fire Corps: 687 ▪ Neighborhood Watch: 14,791 VIPS: 1,892 ▪ MRC: 805 ▪ CERT: 3,230 Citizen Corps Councils
First responder/emergency management (law enforcement, fire service, EMS/EMT, public works) Elected officials Service organizations - voluntary, non-profits Business leaders and for-profit sector School reps and youth organizations Critical infrastructure – transportation, utilities… Media representatives Faith-based leaders Military Special needs representation Representatives of language and culture communities Leadership of community civic groups Citizen Corps Councils Membership
Citizen Corps Councils Responsibilities Promote and strengthen the Citizen Corps programs, partners and affiliates, at the community level Provide opportunities for special skills and interests Develop targeted outreach for the community, including special needs groups Provide opportunities of training in first aid and emergency preparedness Organize special projects and community events Encourage cooperation and collaboration among community leaders Capture smart practices and report accomplishments Create opportunities for all residents to participate
Citizen Preparedness: –Help to educate residents about important preparedness measures: Developing a household disaster plan and disaster supply kits for the home, workplace, and vehicle Learning about emergency plans for schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities Understanding alerts, warnings, and local emergency services Conducting drills Observing home health and safety practices Implementing property damage prevention measures Participating in crime prevention and reporting. –Citizen Corps Councils conduct public education and outreach efforts to provide critical local guidance on these actions. Citizen Corps Councils Activities
Training and Exercises: –Provide training to improve citizen preparedness, prevention, and response capabilities: First aid; cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR); and automated external defibrillators (AED) Crime prevention and terrorism awareness Learning about the Incident Command System Skills included in Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training, such as fire safety, search and rescue procedures, and disaster medical operations –Councils also promote the importance of drills in the home, workplace, and school, and help coordinate citizen participation in community disaster response exercises. Citizen Corps Councils Activities
Volunteer Service: –Coordinate volunteer opportunities that support local emergency responders, disaster relief groups, and community safety organizations. Everyone can do something to support local emergency management, law enforcement, fire service, emergency medical services, and community public health efforts. –Citizen Corps volunteer programs include Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Fire Corps, Medical Reserve Corps, Neighborhood Watch/USAonWatch, and Volunteers in Police Service. –Councils also coordinate additional volunteer opportunities as appropriate for the community and for people with special skills and interests. Citizen Corps Councils Activities
Citizen Corps Councils Community Benefits Greater sense of security, responsibility, and personal control Builds community pride, unity and patriotism Promotes risk reduction, mitigation, and preparedness practices Prepares us all for helping others in a crisis
Citizen Corps Councils Benefits for Emergency Responders Year round support through volunteer programs Reduces burden on first responder services by promoting mitigation and preparedness measures Creates well trained, better informed, and better prepared citizens to take care of themselves and others during times of crisis -- allowing first responders to address the most critical needs
Accomplishments The Citizen Corps programs have experienced steady growth since FY 2002 and Citizen Corps Councils now serve 78% of the U.S. population. Integration of non- governmental groups into all phases of government preparedness at local, state, tribal, territorial, national level Integration of Citizen Preparedness and participation into: –Policy –Planning –Training –Exercises –Disaster Response