KANSAS CITY KANSAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE: THE MOST PROGRESSIVE, FORWARD THINKING, FORWARD LOOKING COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN THE STATE OF KANSAS Continue to be “A Hidden Gem” or the “Best Kept Secret in our community.” More fully develop the social & economic fabric of our community by increasing the number of area residents who access our courses, programs, and services while improving the academic achievements and learning outcomes of those who enroll with us.
STRATEGIC PLANNING: A FOCUSED FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION Where Do We Want To Go? How Are We Going To Get There? Are We There Yet? Assess & Think Plan ACT Prepared For: Kansas City Kansas Community College Strategic Planning Process March 28, 2012
Vision, Mission, Assessment, Planning and ACTION! Your mission statement is your promise to the community and therefore must be the guiding force in your assessment, planning, and resource allocation processes. Teaching and Learning are the CORE PRINCIPLES of the mission statement. By directly linking assessment, strategic planning, and resource allocation you will be in a better position to address the following key questions: 1. Are you doing the right things to achieve our mission? 2. Are you doing those things well? 3. What actions are needed to improve? 4. How will you know if improvements have occurred?
INTEGRATED MODEL FOR ASSESSMENT, STRATEGIC PLANNING AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION Assessment Strategic Planning Resource Allocation & Action Teaching & Learning KCKCC Mission: To provide higher education & lifelong learning to its varied communities, through an accessible and supportive learning environment.
Strategic Planning Is An Open and Continuous Process Involving The Following Key Steps 1. Assessment and self-study of internal and external environments. 2. Thoughtful interpretation of information by faculty and staff. 3. Development of specific strategic directions and choices. 4. Development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each choice 5. Widespread communication of specific strategic planning directions, choices and KPIs 6. Directions and choices are supported through budget development and resource allocation. 7. Development and implementation of specific actions required to make changes and improvements. 8. Assessment of actions to determine progress. 9. Use assessment results for continuous improvement 10. REPEAT and Build Culture of Continuous Improvement
The Value of Moving From Data Collection To Thoughtful Interpretation of Information Source: Mark Milliron, President Catalytic Conversations
Strategic Planning Definition of Terms Strategic Planning Directions: Strategic Planning Directions describe the College’s priorities for 1-3 three-year period. The Directions outline the areas in which the College seeks to improve/change. Answers the question---Where do we want to go? Strategic Planning Choices: Strategic Planning Choices describe what the College is planning to do to make improvements/changes. Answers the questions---How are we going to get there? What are we going to do? Strategic Planning Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Strategic Planning Key Performance Indicators are quantitative measures, pre-established during planning that will lead to conclusions regarding the effectiveness of actions. Answers the questions---Are we there yet? How do we know if our actions are making a difference?
Key Performance Indicators: Tracking Progress KCKCC has achieved excellent/superior results associated with this indicator. Excellence = 5 KCKCC has achieved positive results with this indicator, but more work is needed. Good = 4 KCKCC is making progress, but significant work is still needed. Making Progress = 3 KCKCC is not making appropriate progress on this indicator. Lacking Progress = 2 Performance is poor. Progress is completely lacking. Poor = 1
When Strategic Planning Works It is linked to the mission and vision of the College. It is linked to College assessment, continuous self-study, and budget development processes. Faculty and staff from all locations provide meaningful input and thoughtful interpretation of information. It produces specific directions and choices. Directions and choices are acted upon. Actions are assessed to determine progress and continue improvements. Assessment results are shared and fed back into the planning process.
Final Thoughts On Assessment, Planning and Action Data Don’t Drive. The important thing is not to stop questioning. In the Balti language there is no word for failure. The closest term means…”fork in the path”. Take Action!
Questions and Contact Information Contact Information John Cosgrove In Simplest Terms, A Leader Is One Who Knows Where He/She Wants To Go and Gets Up And Goes” … John Erskine