Baha’i Neha Srinivasan Arthur Schuertzmann
Concept of God Only one God, who is the creator of all beings Humanity is a special, unique creation God reveals his will through Divine Messengers 8/?p=2999
Basic Beliefs All of the Messengers came from God, and so all of their respective religious systems are part of a single divine plan created by God 3 core principles: unity of God, religion, humankind -jesus-christ-god/ mage/moses+/mattukenobaka/ motivation/moses-moses- mountain-lol-demotivati.jpg 23/depicting-the- prophet-mohammed/ -quotes-by-lord-buddha.html
Sacred Texts Writings of the Bab, Baha’u’llah Abdul Bahá, Shoghi Effendi Universal House of Justice ings-from-the-writings-of- bahaullah itings_of_Bah%C3%A1%E2%80%9 9u%E2%80%99ll%C3%A1h
View of the Afterlife Everyone has a soul, connected to physical body Souls develop important qualities in physical world (needed for afterlife) Heaven = nearness to God Hell = distance from God
Rules Praying mandatory – “I bear witness, O my God, that Thou has created me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth. There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.” Drugs, alcohol forbidden Marriage highly valued No active participation in politics y/personal/
Appeal of Baha’i Believe in one united world Accept all faiths/people 001/owt_unity.htm
Works Cited "Baha'i Beliefs about the Afterlife - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion – Just the Facts on the World's Religions. Web. 07 Nov The Baha'i Faith - The International Website of the Baha'is of the World. Office of Public Information of the Baha'i International Community. Web. 10 Nov Breuilly, Elizabeth, Joanne O'Brien, and Martin Palmer. Religions of the World: The Illustrated Guide to Origins, Beliefs, Traditions, & Festivals. New York: Facts on File, Print. "The Shrine of Baha'u'llah - Acre, Israel." Web. 10 Nov Wikipedia. Wikimedia and Mediawiki, 5 Nov Web. 11 Nov (picture of Lotus Temple)