TODAY IN GEOMETRY… Warm up: Writing equations of a circle Learning Target : 11.4 You will find the arc length and circumferences of circles Independent practice
CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE: The distance around a circle is found from the formula
PRACTICE: Find the indicated measure. Round answers to the nearest tenth. 1. Circumference of a circle 2. Radius of a circle with with radius 9 centimeters. circumference 26 meters.
PRACTICE: Find the indicated measure. a. Find the circumference of a circle with diameter 5 inches. Find the diameter of a circle with circumference 17 feet. b. A car tire has a diameter of 28 inches. How many revolutions does the tire make while traveling 500 feet?
ARC LENGTH: Part of the circumference
EXAMPLE: Find the length of the red arc.
PRACTICE: Find the length of the red arc.
Equation of circumference
HOMEWORK #8: Pg. 749: 3-7, 11-13, If finished, work on other assignments: HW #1: Pg. 655: 3-20, 24-26, 30 HW #2: Pg. 661: 3-14, 17, 23 HW #3: Pg. 667: 3-15 HW #4: Pg. 676: 3-16 Pg. 679: HW #5: Pg. 683: 3-13 HW #6: Pg. 692: 3, 4, 6, 9-14 HW #7: Pg. 702: 3-25