TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Local Information and guidelines TIARA MID-TERM MEETING
Madrid, CIEMAT Building 1 Entrance
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Registration - main entrance Bld 1 - Last minute payments: by tomorrow - Payment mandatory in the bank office closeby - Please, contact the local organizers for any help
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Registration Presentations - main entrance Bld 1 - Payment mandatory in the bank office closeby - Please, contact Celine or myself for uploading the last versions of your presentations. - Please, contact the local organizers for any help - Last minute payments: by tomorrow
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Registration Coffee Breaks Presentations - main entrance Bld 1 - Payment mandatory in the bank office closeby - Coffee breaks will be served in Sala A, just above this room, 2 nd floor. - Please, contact the local organizers for any help - Please, contact Celine or myself for uploading the last versions of your presentations. - Last minute payments: by tomorrow
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, CIEMAT Building 1 Second floor Main Stairs Sala A Coffee Breaks Sala B Tue. 12: WP 3+4 meeting Wed. 13: WP 4 meeting Friday 15: Gob. Council Sala D Wed. 13: WP 3 meeting Sala C WP 2 meeting
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Registration Parallel sessions Coffee Breaks Presentations - Coffee breaks will be served in Sala A, just above this room, 2 nd floor. - WP leaders. Please, contact us in the reception right before going to the meeting rooms for coordination. - main entrance Bld 1 - Payment mandatory in the bank office closeby - Please, contact the local organizers for any help - Please, contact Celine or myself for uploading the last versions of your presentations. - Last minute payments: by tomorrow
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, CIEMAT Building 1 Ground floor Sala JMP Office Tue 12: WP 9 meeting Conference Hall Reception Hall Main Scalators R150 (WP5) Sala E Inf. Center (WP6)
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, CIEMAT Building 1 First floor Sala de Gobierno Thursday 14: Governing Council meeting Sala de Juntas Wednesday 13: WP 8 meeting Main Stairs
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, CIEMAT Building 1 Second floor Main Stairs Sala A Coffee Breaks Sala B Tue. 12: WP 3+4 meeting Wed. 13: WP 4 meeting Friday 15: Gob. Council Sala D Wed. 13: WP 3 meeting Sala C WP 2 meeting
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Registration Parallel sessions Coffee Breaks Presentations - Coffee breaks will be served in Sala A, just above this room, 2 nd floor. - WP leaders. Please, contact us in the reception right before going to the meeting rooms for coordination. Lunch (Restaurant) - Self-service at CIEMAT Restaurant. 12:30 sharp - 6 eur (not covered by the Conference) - main entrance Bld 1 - Payment mandatory in the bank office closeby - Please, contact the local organizers for any help - Please, contact Celine or myself for uploading the last versions of your presentations. - Last minute payments: by tomorrow
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Restaurant Cafeteria CIEMAT Building 1 Floor -1 Main Stairs
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Registration Parallel sessions Coffee Breaks Presentations - main entrance Bld 1 - Please, make the due payments by tomorrow - Payment mandatory in the bank office closeby - Please, contact Celine or myself for uploading last minute presentations. - Coffee breaks will be served in Sala A, just above this room, 2 nd floor. - WP leaders. Please, contact us in the reception right before going to the meeting rooms for coordination. Lunch (Restaurant) - Self-service at CIEMAT Restaurant - 6 eur (not covered by the Conference) - Please, contact the local organizers for any help Welcome Reception - CIEMAT Recreational Area. 7:00 pm - Buses will depart by 9:00 pm to hotels
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, ENTRANC E CONFERENCE HALL WELCOME RECEPTION <- Restaurant main doors Please, just follow the people.
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Busses will stop at:
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Web access: Your address here connect to network: visitor
TIARA MID-TERM MEETINGMadrid, Conference dinner pickup place, the place you will be stopped today