unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner 3rd National Communication - systematic observation - The UNFCCC Reporting Guidelines on Global Climate Change Observing Systems Stefan Rösner, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany Presentation given at the Workshop on the Preparation of National Communications from Annex I Parties March 2001, Bonn, Germany Department Climate and Environment
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner The Climate System Department Climate and Environment
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner The Climate System Atmosphere Ocean Landsurface Satellites Department Climate and Environment
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Observation of the climate system in Germany - organisations operating observation network(s) - Department Climate and Environment Bund Federal Ministry of Education and Research Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture Federal Ministry of Defence (meteorological network together with Deutscher Wetterdienst) Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment Most of the Länder operate own observing networks for different parameters with relevance for climate change detection. Baden- Württemberg BayernBerlin Niedersachsen Brandenburg Freie Hansestadt Bremen Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Hessen Mecklenburg- Vorpommern Nordrhein- Westfalen Rheinland-PfalzSaarland Länder Ministries for Environment SachsenSachsen-Anhalt Schleswig- Holstein Thüringen Observation of the climate system in Germany - organisations operating observation network(s) -
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) German National Meteorological Service, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing Federal Institute of Hydrology, Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG)
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment GOOS Secretariat D. Kohnke Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) GCOS Office V. Vent-Schmidt German National Meteorological Service, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing ? GTOS Focal Point ? tbd ? Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ?
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment In-depth review - problems reported in reporting of information in the first and second national communication - No problems reported by in-depth review team: “ The NC2 provided a very thorough description of climate change research and systematic observation in Germany...” But: new problems may occur when compiling a national report on global climate change observing systems for the first time.
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment The UNFCCC Reporting Guidelines on Global Climate Change Observing Systems ? Why - What is expected ? A global synthesis report on global climate change observing systems objective comparable precise Information needs to be: Information should be provided as far as possible as numbers, collection in tables
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment The UNFCCC Reporting Guidelines on Global Climate Change Observing Systems ? What is needed ? Information / input needed about: national programme for systematic observation national plans responsibilities maps of networks data exchange policy(ies) activities towards capacity building participation in GCOS
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment The UNFCCC Reporting Guidelines on Global Climate Change Observing Systems - Supplementary Guidance to Parties on the Preparation of Detailed National Reports on Global Climate Observing Systems - Informal Meeting of National GCOS Coordinators, 9-11 August 2000, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia Notes are intended to provide optional additional guidance to Parties in preparing national reports on climate observing systems. They are intended to be supplementary to, and in no way replace, the guidance adopted as an Annex to Decision 5/CP.5 Existing guidelines seen as a useful minimum reporting level. Benefits seen from a more detailed reporting format. On the national and institution level: rise awareness; point to deficiencies; make information available in a single document; regular review and update of information On the global scale: facilitate global synthesis report; support countermeasures; priorities for action
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment Supplementary Guidance to Parties on the Preparation of Detailed National Reports on Global Climate Observing Systems Informal Meeting of National GCOS Coordinators, 9-11 August 2000, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia Existing Tables: Table 1. Participation in the global atmospheric observing systems Table 2. Participation in the global oceanographic observing systems Table 3. Participation in the global terrestrial observing systems
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment Supplementary Tables in Chapter B Meteorological and atmospheric observation: Table S1. Atmospheric observing systems for climate at the land surface (meteorological land surface observations). Table S2. Available homogeneous data sets for meteorological land surface observations. Table S3. Atmospheric observing systems for climate above the surface (meteorological upper air observations). Table S4. Available homogeneous data sets for meteorological upper air observations. Table S5. Atmospheric constituent observing systems for climate. Table S6. Available homogeneous data sets for atmospheric constituents. Satellites are seen in an integrated way!
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment
unfccc-ws ppt S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment The Deutscher Wetterdienst started to evaluate the supplementary reporting format. The UNFCCC Reporting Guidelines on Global Climate Change Observing Systems - Supplementary Guidance to Parties on the Preparation of Detailed National Reports on Global Climate Observing Systems - It is discussed to charge the GCOS Secretariat of the Deutscher Wetterdienst with the preparation of the National Report on Global Climate Change Observing System. No decision made so far.