Chapter 17 Therapies/Treatment AP Outline Says: “Treatment of Psychological Disorders” Treatment Approaches Insight Therapies Psychodynamic Approaches Behavioral Approaches Cognitive Approaches Eclectic Approache Modes of Therapy – individual, group Community and Preventative Approaches
Main Areas Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Humanistic Therapy (Rogers/Maslow) Client Centered Therapy Gestalt Therapy Behavior Therapy Cognitive Behavior Therapy Group Family Couples Biological Treatments Psycho Surgery Electro Convulsive Therapy Psychoactive Drugs
Fun Facts 15% of adults 21% children are receiving some form of treatment $150 billion dollars a year is spent Including disability and lost productivity The most common targets of treatment are : Anxiety Mood disorders Impulse control Substance abuse And combinations of those- Other not diagnosed problems Relationship conflicts Grief Divorce Retirement etc.
Basic Features of Treatment Client/Patient Therapist= Psychologists/Psychiatirsts Clinical Social Workers Marriage and Family Therapists Licensed Professional Counselors Inpatient- could be days, weeks in a hospital/clinical setting- usually with drug therapy Usually pose a danger to themselves and others Outpatient- psycho therapy and or drugs could be used Less severe symptoms
Goals of Therapy Change thinking, feelings, behavior Impulse, functioning Relieve Discomfort
Characteristics of Psychoanalysis One on one (Client Therapist relationship is key) Talk Therapy Long Term duration Look for relationship between an individual’s life history and current problems Finding role of thoughts, emotions and motivation Focus is to help gain insight Goal is to get the patient to understand how past conflicts determine current problems
Psychodynamic Psycho Therapy Freud Conflicts Ego, ID, Superego Unconscious Personality Psychoanalysis- Goal to understand unconscious conflicts And how they affect the client
Psychoanalysis continued Free Association Patient talks about what is on their mind and is prompted by questioning from therapist Therapist analyzes the potential components that give insight and helps the client understand the subconscious processes and conflicts Transference Unconscious process in which childhood feelings and conflicts about parents and other significant people were being transferred to the therapist
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis- method of psychotherapy aimed at revealing and resolving conflicts that are in the unconscious Free Association Resistance Dream Interpretation Freudian Slips Transference Contemporary Psychoanalysis Less time and cost effective
Humanistic Therapy See people as capable of consciously controlling their own actions and taking responsibility for their own decisions Humanists believe most behavior is motivated by an innate drive toward personal growth and improvement Behavior is guided by the way people perceive the world Hence, Distorted perceptions blocks growth
Humanistic Therapy Assumptions Therapy tries to help clients restart their natural growth Promotes insights into current feelings Therapists try to create feelings with client They try to show the client they are accepted, supported Create a positive relationship with patient Clients are shown that they are in charge of how they feel
Humanistic Psychotherapy Carl Rogers Humanistic Perspective- emphasizes striving for and reaching human potential Humanistic Psychotherapy- Most important feature of a person is their self-concept and that disorders derive from unhealthy environments (growth is interfered or stopped). Client-centered Gestalt Therapy
Humanism- Client Centered Therapy 1 st create a relationship Key is listening and understanding Clients become more self confident More accepting themselves Use Unconditional Positive Regard = acceptance Help the client understand they themselves are worthy Acceptance Reinforce client’s ability to solve their own problems Empathy Therapists try to emotionally understand what a client might be thinking and feeling Congruence (acting in ways that are consistent)
Gestalt Therapy Humanistic Psych Seeks to create conditions in which clients become more self aware and accepting They try to get clients to really know themselves
Behavior Therapy Client Insight Most psychological problems are learned behaviors that can be changed by taking action to learn new ones (not searching for underlying causes)
Methods of Treatment Two Main Types of Therapy Psychotherapy- based on interaction between a trained therapist, using psychological techniques, and a client, who is experiencing emotional, behavioral, or interpersonal problems. Biomedical Therapies- use medications, electroconvulsive therapy, or other medical procedures that directly affect the brain and nervous system of a patient experiencing symptoms associated with a psychological disorder.
Behavior Therapy Behavior therapy- proposes that psychological problems originate from learned behaviors Skinner, Pavlov, Ellis, Watson Three versions: 1) Behavior therapy using classical conditioning 2) Behavior modification using operant conditioning 3) Cognitive-behavior therapy addresses both thoughts and behaviors associated with the problem Counterconditioning- the learning of a new conditioned response that is the opposite of the original learned response.
Behavior Therapy cont. Systematic Desensitization- involves gradual learning of a new conditioned response that will replace, or inhibit, an established maladaptive response such as fear or anxiety Anxiety Hierarchy Flooding- constant exposure to the fear Aversion Conditioning-involves pairing a harmful stimulus with an unpleasant stimulus i.e. taking a pill before consuming alcohol that causes nausea.
Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy- utilizes learning principles to change people’s negative thought patterns Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)- based on belief that distorted expectations and irrational beliefs contribute to psychological disorders Psychologist Albert Ellis “ABC”- Activating event, Belief, Consequences
Cognitive and Group Therapy Cognitive therapy- based on the idea that people have developed cognitive distortions, distorted perceptions, and interpretations of events that contribute to psychological disorders (especially depression and anxiety) Group Therapy- allows one or more therapists to work with several people at the same time, observing social and interaction skills. Family Therapy Marital/Couples Therapy
Biomedical Therapy Psychosurgery- destroys tissue in regions of the brain for treating psychological disorders Irreversible risky side effects Electroconvulsive therapy- depressive patients who didn’t respond to drug treatments; brief electrical shock was thought to stimulate and increase neural activity in the brain, alleviating symptoms of depression and schizophrenia Neuroleptics (antipsychotics)- used to treat psychotic symptoms related to positive symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking, and confused thinking.
Biomedical Therapy Antidepressants- prescribed to treat depression, increase the amount of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin Anti-anxiety Medication- used to help people deal with anxiety Valium and Xanax Increases neurotransmitter GABA which reduce symptoms of anxiety, nervousness, and sleeping problems Lithium- used to treat bipolar disorder Used to alleviate manic and depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder
Community Psychology Deinstitutionalization- process of releasing patients from hospitals, which in turn led to the shutting down of many mental health hospitals Community Psychology- a movement to decrease or prevent psychological disorders through offerings in community mental health programs