By: Hailey Lackey, Tyler Mullins, and Taylor Biggerstaff
Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of eastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile river in what is now the modern country. What is Ancient Egypt?
The Nile is the longest river in the world, stretching north for approximately 4,000 miles from East Africa to the Mediterranean. Studies have shown that the river gradually changed its location and size over millions of years. The Nile flows from the mountains in the south to the Mediterranean in the north. The Nile River
The Nile river is important to the Ancient Egyptians because: It kept them alive & developed their knowledge It gave them a source of food and something to drink It fertilized their crops when it flooded It gave them water to bathe in It gave them a way of transportation It gave them protection from the other side of the river Why was the Nile so important?
The blue Nile god Hapi is holding the central palm leaf. This represents the annual flooding of the Nile which determines the harvest. In the picture the fertility god holds his hands over the two expanses of the Nile and the Mediterranean.
The Old Kingdom (2700 BCE – 2200 BCE)
The Middle Kingdom was Egypt's golden age. They accomplished arts and literature. They also had a very strong defending army. Pharaohs were expected to be good kings and wise rulers. In this time, Pharaohs were buried in hidden tombs. These tombs were very hard to find. There are still tombs, yet to be found by modern archaeologist to this day. The Middle Kingdom (2100 BCE – 1800 BCE)
Built By: Pharaoh Djoser Date: Circa 2630 B.C. Location: Saqqara Height: 204 feet It was the largest building of its time. Made to hold his mummified body. *All that’s left of Pharaoh Djoser is his mummified left foot.* The Step Pyramid of Djoser
Maidum Pyramid Built By: Pharaoh Snefru Date: Circa 2600 B.C. Location: Maidum Height: 306 feet Influenced by The Step Pyramid of Djoser Pharaoh Snefru had 8 step levels built to raise the chamber closer to the sun god. There is only 3 step levels visible today.
Built By: Pharaoh Snefru Date: Circa 2600 B.C. Height: 344 feet First attempt at a smooth sided pyramid Was designed to have very steep sides, but the lack of stability caused otherwise. The Bent Pyramid
Built by: Pharaoh Snefru Date: Circa 2600 B.C. Location: Dahshur Height: 341 feet Third attempt at the smooth sided pyramid. It worked out perfectly, and it was an elegant precursor to the great pyramids at Giza. Red Pyramid
Built by: Pharaoh Khufu Date: Circa 2550 B.C. Location: Giza Height: 481 feet It is the Earth’s largest pyramid This pyramid was built by captured slaves. Each stone block laid for this pyramid weighed more than 5 tons each. Great Pyramid
Built by: Pharaoh Khafre Date: Circa 2520 B.C. Location: Giza Height: 471 feet Located at the home of the Sphinx. In the burial chamber of this pyramid, explorers discovered a small pit in the floor. It was built and designed to hold a canopica chest. In the chest included jars holding the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines of the deceased pharaoh. Pyramid of Khafre
Built by: Pharaoh Menkaure Date: Circa 2490 B.C. Location: Giza Height: 213 feet Last of the great pyramids It is the smallest out of the three great pyramids because the cost of the building was to high to finish the project. Pyramid of Menkaure
Built by: Pharaoh Pepi 2 Date: Circa 2250 B.C. Location: Saqqara Height: 172 feet This pyramid was the end of the era. This pyramid was finished in the 30 th year of his reign, which was 60 years before he died. Pyramid of Pepi 2
Built by: King Amenemhat III Date: B.C. It is one of the five remaining pyramids of the original eleven pyramids at Dahshur in Egypt. Originally named Amenemhet is Mighty, the pyramid earned the name the Black pyramid for its dark, decaying appearance as a rubble mound. The Black Pyramid
The Sphinx had the body of a lion and the head of a human. The Sphinx is carved out of a single ridge of stone 240 foot long and 66 foot high. Geologist confirmed that the extreme erosion on the body of the Sphinx was the result of water. The Sphinx
There is a foregoing discussion that the sculpture of the Sphinx may have existed at a time when there were no civilizations on earth and the humans had not yet evolved to the hunter-gatherer life styles. The discussion then states that if the Sphinx is indeed that old, the development of civilization must be entirely reworked.
Major Temples
Composite statues like this often showed Thoth with a worshipper facing him and were donated to temples to demonstrate devotion to the god. Thoth and Maat
Anubis, the god of mummification, is often depicted as a black jackal—common in ancient Egypt—guiding the dead through the underworld. Jackal
These small, brilliantly colored glass vessels probably held ointments or perfumes. Glass vessels
In the New Kingdom, the fingers and toes of royal mummies were sheathed with gold coverings, or stalls, to protect the small, brittle bones. Toe stalls of Psusennes I
This statue combines attributes of two great hunters— the keen-eyed falcon and the mighty Nile crocodile. Falcon-headed crocodile
In 1859, Egyptian laborers discovered this mirror, pieces of jewelry, and fans belonging to Queen Ahhotep. Mirror of Queen Ahhotep
This has been the presentation by Hailey, Tyler, and Taylor. Thanks for watching!!!