Quick & Easy Options Oatmeal topped with almonds & dried cranberries Whole-wheat pita stuffed with eggs, low fat cheese, and a slice of tomato 1 cup Kashi GoLean Cereal with ½ cup skim milk and ½ cup cup strawberries Whole Wheat english muffin with 1 Tbsp peanut butter and half a medium sized banana. Eating a Healthy Breakfast According to Zeratsky (2011) eating breakfast regularly, may help you lose excess weight and maintain your weight loss by reducing hunger later in the day, getting you on track to making healthy choices all day and have an overall healthier diet! FUN FACT! Eggs have been shown to provide the greatest benefits in long-term weight loss! Choosing the Right Breakfast: A healthy breakfast should contain a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low or non- fat dairy and lean protein Choose cereals with at least 3g of fiber and 5g of sugar or less Frozen fruits and vegetables, 100% juice beverages without added sugars & low sodium
What forms the core of a healthy breakfast? Together these core groups (see below) provide complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein and a small amount of fat. This means they all provide large health benefits with their vitamin and mineral concentrations, whole grains, and fiber and protein that will leave you feeling full for hours and more satisfied! Whole grains Look for the ingredient “whole-grain” or “whole wheat”. If it says refined, this means all of the beneficial vitamins and minerals have been taken out. “Whole” means it provides the whole ingredients, which leads you to feeling more full and satisfied for a longer period of time. Examples: whole wheat breads/bagels/english muffins, hot and cold cereals such as Kashi, shredded wheat, bran flakes, old fashioned oatmeal, and low-fat bran muffins. Low-Fat or “Lean” Protein Protein-rich breakfasts have lead to greater reductions in appetite for hours later increased fullness and higher palatability ratings than those who ate other breakfast options (Leidy & Racki, 2010). Examples: Natural peanut butter which has no added sugar and preservatives, also cooked or hard boiled eggs. Stick with more egg whites than yoke, this leaves out the cholesterol and fat! Dairy is all the same. The only difference between fat free, low-fat, and regular is the fat content. Yes, fat can enhance the flavor, but there is a large difference between the fat in these items that the body does not need. The essential nutrient in this key ingredient is protein, and there is no different in the protein content. Whole fat milk has 8g of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, and 8g protein per cup. Low fat milk has only 2g of fat and 2g of saturated fat for the same great taste and the same amount of protein! So remember, always try and choose low- fat dairy options to increase your protein intake in a healthy way. If your not much of a milk person, try dairy free options such as soy yogurts and soy and/or almond milks that are unsweetened. These also have more calcium than your dairy options. Fruits & Vegetables Fresh is always better! The more fresh and whole the fruit is, the more likely your body is getting those essential vitamins and minerals it needs. When choosing canned fruit, choose canned fruit in water or their natural juices, not syrup. Syrup adds unnecessary sugar and calories. When choosing juices, choose 100% juices without added sugars and low-sodium options. Examples: Low sodium V-8 juice, frozen blueberry and strawberry smoothie with low fat yogurt. References: 1.) Healthy Breakfast: Quick, flexible options to grab at home. (2011). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved Jan, 31 from 2.) Zeratsky, Katherine. (2011). Weight Loss. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved Jan 25, from