Next Grape Juice and Beverages
Next End Previous Grape Juice and Beverages Introduction Grapes are cultivated in many countries of the world. India produces only about 2.77 per cent of the total world production. However, in productivity India stood first with tonnes /ha. Grape is one of the most perishable fruits and during the process of distribution and marketing, substantial losses are incurred which ranges from a slight loss of quality to total spoilage. Processing is an alternative method of preservation of this fruit for long durations. Preparation of juices and beverages is being practiced for long. Grape juice may be consumed as 100 % pure juice or may be blended with other juices for improving taste, sugar: acid blend and to improve its acceptability.
Next End Previous Grape Juice and Beverages Preparation of Grape Juice Fully Ripe Grape Washing Cream of tarter Crushing & Pressing in Basket Press Filtration Removal of stalk Clarification by storage at 0 °C Filtration Bottling and Crown corking Pasteurization, cooling & storage
Next End Previous Grape Juice and Beverages Creame of tarter 1. Cream of Tarter is actually a white, odorless powder and chemically known as Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate, or Potassium Bitartrate. 2. It is formed from sediment left over in barrels after winemaking process. 3. Cream of tartar has multiple uses in food preparation including stabilizing egg whites by increasing their heat tolerance and volume, and preventing sugary syrups, chocolates and candies from crystallizing. 4. Cream of tartar poses a risk for people with kidney disease due to its extremely high potassium content (495 mg per teaspoon). Our daily requirement for potassium is 3500 mg. 5. Cream of tartar also poses laxative effect. Use of cream of tartar in the small quantities should be no problem.
Next End Previous Grape Juice and Beverages Preparation of Mixed fruit Juice Grape Juice Mixed Juice Addition of sugar, acid, flavour etc. Heating to 95 C for 10 sec Heat Processing for 15 min. Aonla (or some other juice/ pulp) + Juice with adjusted TSS (15 Brix ) and acidity ( %) Hot filling and Crown corking Cooling & storage
Next End Previous Grape Juice and Beverages Specifications for Juices and Beverages ProductMin TSS (%)Min Fruit Part (%) Unsweetened juiceNatural100 Sweetened Juice1085 RTS beverages10 Fruit juice concentrate32100
Next End Previous Grape Juice and Beverages Preparation of canned grapes in sugar syrup or grape juice Glass Jars (Wide mouth) Sterilize in boiling water For 1 jar of ½ kg cap. Grape Seal the jar air tight Air dry the jars Remove pedicel, wash and drain Sugar + water (1:10)/ grape juice Boil Strain through cheese cloth Hot syrup 250 g grapes Fill upto the top at temp > 85 o C Heat Process in boiling water for 20 min. Cool and store
Next End Previous Grape Juice and Beverages Grape Juice Concentrate Fully Ripe Grape Washing Cream of tarter, sediments etc Crushing & Pressing in Basket Press Filtration Clarification by storage at 0 °C or by using enzymes Evaporative concventration upto 70 Brix Packing, sealing and storage Filtration
Grape Juice and Beverages Let us sum up Grape juice is the 100 % pure form of juice. Sweetened juice may contain added sugar Juice is extracted by crushing and pressing Cream of Tarter is actually a white, odorless powder and chemically known as Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate, or Potassium Bitartrate, formed from sediment left over in barrels of grape juice. Mixed fruit juice or beverages may be prepared from grape juice after adding the juice / pulp of other fruits and /or sugar, acid, flavour etc. Generally preferred juices contain no added preservative, so the juice is preserved by heat processing in boiling water for 20 min. Previous End