16. COMEDY Definition: A story that ends happily. NOT NECESSARILY FUNNY. Example: Kung Fu Panda 2 Memorization Tip: THINK about smiling after something funny….think smiling because you’re happy… HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
17. COMIC RELIEF Definition: Comic scene or event that breaks up a serious play or narrative. Example: FINDING NEMO = when things get serious, Dory makes a joke to provide COMIC RELIEF Memorization Tip: A comedian makes you laugh… to relieve you of stress.
18. CONFLICT Definition: struggle or clash between opposing characters or opposing forces. Example: Harry Potter vs. Voldemort Memorization Tip: Conflict rhymes with convict Imagine if a convict moved in with you…how would that cause CONFLICT? He steals your toothbrush! And your cereal?!?!?!? And dates your mom!?!?!? NOOOOOO!!!
Language Activity # 6 Denotation of Fragrance: _______________________________________ Positive Connotation Negative Connotation 1. 1.__________________ 2.___________________2.__________________ 3.___________________3.__________________
19. CONNOTATION Definition: all the meanings, associations, or emotions that have come to be attached to some words, in addition to their literal dictionary definitions, or denotations. Connotation Think nation What do people think or feel about America?
20. COUPLET Definition: two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme 2 Lines that Rhyme = a Couple So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
21. DESCRIPTION Definition: type of writing intended to create a mood or emotion or to re-create a person, a place, a thing, an event, or an experience. Author DESCRIBES as if you, the reader, were there!!!
22. DIALECT Definition : way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or a particular group of people DIAL the telephone = hear people talking = people talking from different areas. Huntington Beach: Hey dude, what’s up bro. Southern: Ain’t your mama ever taught you nothin? Louisiana: New Orleans = Nawlins
23. DIALOGUE Definition : way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or a particular group of people Conversation between 2 + people Ms. Tran: Will you guys please study for the CSTs? Class: Of course! Whatever you wish, Ms. Tran! I appreciate all of your hard work and time put into helping us study so hard! You’re the best ever! Ms. Tran: I love you, period __.
24.DICTION Definition : a writer’s or speaker’s choice of words (it is an essential element of a write’s style) Think DICTIONary….what do you find? WORDS!!!! Writer’s choice of WORDS!!!
25. DRAMA Definition : story that is written to be acted for an audience Story meant to be acted for an audience. We are reading Romeo and Juliet, but it is supposed to be seen as a play.
26. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE Definition : a poem in which a speaker addresses one or more silent listeners, often reflecting on a specific problem or situation Poem “From Mother to Son” Mother speaks to son through the poem Poem is directed to the son The son = silent listener (never says anything)
27. EPIC Definition: long story told in elevated language (usually poetry), which relates the great deeds of a larger-than-life hero who embodies the values of a particular society EPIC!!! WOW!!! LONG STORY!!! (about great deeds of a hero) ODYSSEY = GREEK HERO ODYSSEUS’ QUEST
28. EPITHET Definition: adjective or descriptive phrase that is regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing Think Epithet – het- HAT Abraham Lincoln wore a top HAT “Honest Abe” –descriptive phrase for him.
29. ESSAY Definition: short piece of nonfiction that examines a single subject from a limited point of view YOU WRITE THESE IN CLASS! PERSONAL = free write, informal *quick writes, casual responses, journals FORMAL = serious, academic language *literary analysis, response to literature, etc.
30.EXPOSITION Definition: type of writing that explains, gives information, defines, or clarifies an idea EXPO = EXPLAIN = Writing in which you explain Example: a cook book recipe tells you how to cook something Exposition in plot = Basic Situation
31. FABLE Definition: very brief story in prose or verse that teaches a moral, or a practical lesson about how to get along in life A SHORT STORY THAT TEACHES A MORAL OR PRACTICAL LESSON ABOUT LIFE The boy who cried wolf fibbed (lied). Think FIB – FAB. FABLE!!
32. FIGURE OF SPEECH Definition: word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of another and is not meant to be understood on a literal level Language that is not meant to be understood on a literal level “Go figure!” don’t literally go and figure out the issue and solve problems. “It cost me an arm and a leg…” $$$$ Worse comes to worst…
33. FLASHBACK Definition: scene in a movie, play, short story, novel, or narrative poem that interrupts the present action of the plot to flash backward and tell what happened at an earlier time A camera FLASHES. Its pictures bring us BACK to past memories.
34. FLASH-FORWARD Definition: a scene in a movie, play, short story, novel, or narrative poem that interrupts the present action of the plot to shift into the future Forward = FUTURE!
35. FOIL Definition: character who is used as a contrast to another character Foil shines. A foil character helps to make the main character SHINE. Batman = dark, mysterious, silent, strong Robin = small, obnoxious, funny
36. FOLK TALE Definition: story that has no known author and was originally passed on from one generation to another by word of mouth Tale = told Stories that are passed down through word-of-mouth
37. FORESHADOWING Definition: the use of clues to hint at events that will occur later in a plot CLUES HINTS
38. FREE VERSE Definition: poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme You’re FREE to do what you want. WRITE what you want. You still have natural rhythm, but no rules are applied.
39. GENRE Definition: the category that a work of literature is classified under. Five major genres in literature are nonfiction, fiction, poetry, drama, and myth A category of literature Just remember this…
40. HAIKU Definition: Japanese verse from consisting of three lines and, usually, seventeen syllables (5 in the first line, 6 in the second, and 5 in the third) Japanese verse consisting of 3 lines. HAIKU has 5 letters. It starts with 5 syllables. KU rhymes with two. Add two, the next line has 7 syllables. End back at 5 syllables.
41.. HYPERBOLE Definition: figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion or to create a comic effect He was as HYPER as the Tasmanian Devil. This bowl is SO hyper!!!! Think exaggeration for comic effect.
42. IAMBIC PENTAMETER Definition: lone of poetry that contains five iambs A line of poetry that contains 5 iambs. An iamb is a unit of measure for specific poetry. When you read a line of this poetry, the syllables are UNSTRESSED then STRESSED. but SOFT! what LIGHT through YON der WIN dow BREAKS. U / U / U / U / U / Unstressed STRESSED pattern 5 times in a line = iambic pentameter
43. IDIOM Definition: expression peculiar to a particular language that means something different from the literal meaning of each word Think IDIOM = IDIOT “That idiot was as dumb as a door knob.” Expressions that are peculiar…
44. IMAGERY Definition: Language that appeals to the 5 senses. CREATES IMAGES IN YOUR MIND.
45. INVERSION Definition: reversal of the normal word order of a sentence A VERSION of the writer’s word order. They write however they want for THEIR purpose or to create a certain effect. THINK YODA! Hungry I am. Wonderful Ms. Tran is. Scholars you are.
46. IRONY Definition: contrast between expectation and reality – between what is said and what is really meant, between what is expected to happen and what really does happen, or between what appears to be true and what is really true Contrast between expectations and reality. There are 3 kinds. VERBAL IRONY: VERBAL = SPOKEN WORDS SITUATIONAL IRONY: You’re in situations that you wouldn’t expect would happen. DRAMATIC IRONY: You’re sitting in a theater watching a dramatic movie and you know what happens when the characters don’t.
47. LYRIC POETRY Think lyrics from a song. This poetry is musical and emotional. The writer of a lyric poem uses words that express his state of mind, his perceptions, or his feelings. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer's lease hath all too short a date.Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmed,And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed.
48. METAPHOR A comparison FOR 2 unlike things without the words like, than, as, or resembles. THINK ABOUT THIS MATH EQUATION: METAPHOR (4) TWO (2) = 2 unlike things being compared
49. METER Patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry. Ways people read poetry –they emphasize certain syllables Think meter …measure…way to measure syllables.
50. MOOD Think moody = Feeling something? The feeling a story evokes!
51. MYTH Story based in a particular culture. Think mythical creatures. Think Lochness monster! Think Big Foot! Think werewolves!
52. NARRATION A type of writing where the speaker tells what happens. Think narrator who tells a story.
53. NARRATOR Voice telling a story/ Point of view. 1st person Omniscient Third person limited
54. Non-Fiction Writing that deals with real people, real things, real events, and real places. Think NON-FICTION NOT-FAKE
55. NOVEL Fictional prose narrative usually consisting of more than 50,000 words. WHAT A NOVELTY! HOW GRAND! WHAT A LONG STORY!
57. PARADOX PARA= not normal, strange, wondering “The Gift of the Magi” – Della and Jim are the richest couple on earth. (rich in love but not in money) Nobody goes to that restaurant, it's too crowded. Don't go near the water until you've learned to swim. The man who wrote such a stupid sentence cannot write at all. If you get this message, call me; if you don't, then don't worry about it.
58. PARALLELISM Repetition of words or phrases or sentences that have the same GRAMMATICAL structure “I came, I saw, I conquered.” – Julius Caesar
59. PERSONA Mask or voice assumed by the writer The author takes on another PERSON’s view point
60. Personification A kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. PERSON = HUMAN You are making something nonhuman HUMAN. The wind whispers.
61. Plot Series of related events that make up a story or drama. Plot = think of a chain. All of these events link together.
62. Poetry KEY WORDS: rhythmic, uses figurative language and imagery to appeal to a reader’s emotions and imagination. Ex. Legal Alien “A handy token sliding back and forth between the fringes of both worlds.”
63. POINT OF VIEW Omniscient = all-knowing (OMMMM = sounds like a prayer…God-Like…knows everything!) 1st person = 1st person pronoun “I” (Think 1 looks like I) 3rd person = Third person pronouns He, she, they, it (Number 3 rhymes with HE, SHE) Vantage POINT = POINT of VIEW
64.PROTAGONIST Main character PRO = YES the character you are rooting for.
65. PUN Play on multiple meanings of words. Pun rhymes with FUN. Think funny jokes. How do you make a tissue dance? You put a BOOGIE in it. Boogie – Booger Boogie – Dance
66. REFRAIN Repeated words. “Hey, hey, HEY.” This phrase is repeated throughout his song. Think REfrain = REpeat
67. RHYME Repetition of sounds that are similar. End rhyme = rhyme at the END of the line Ms. Tran’s scholars will score 858, This will make our school so great. Internal rhyme = rhyme INSIDE the line Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary
68. RYTHYM Think rhythm, think music. MUSICAL QUALITY in language.
69. SATIRE SATIRE – PUT SOMETHING UNDER FIRE (“put on blast”) Making fun of something
70. SCENE DESIGN SCENE in a PLAY. What sets, lights, costumes, and props do they use?
71. Setting Where a story is SET. The real HOMS “windows that can’t breathe” “swollen door”
72. SHORT STORY LOOK FOR THE WORD SHORT in the answer choices, and you’ve got the right answer. You’re welcome.
73. SIMILE A comparison between 2 unlike things USING the words like, as, than, or resembles. My scholars are as bright as the sun.
74. SOLILOQUY LONG speech given by a character alone by themselves. SOLO = alone SOLOlilquy…
75. SONNET Think of a woman who had 14 sons. She wrote a 14 line poem about how she had a net of sons.
76. SPEAKER Voice talking to us in a poem. You hear a voice over the SPEAKER. “Legal Alien” = voice of a Mexican American who is lost in her culture.
78. STYLE PARTICULAR WAY AN AUTHOR USES LANGUAGE. Just like YOU have a fashion style to wear clothes your way, authors use language in different ways to create style. Edgar Allan Poe = scary, moody, emotional, twisted = represented through his repetition and varies short and long sentences.
79. SUSPENSE ANXIETY the reader feels about the reading. SUSPENSE…what events will COMMENCE?! Someone thinks you’re a suspect for a murder..you get NERVOUS...you get ANXIETY!!
81. TALL TALE That mountain is SO tall and SO far. A tale that is exaggerated and far-fetched (unbelievable). Paul Bunyan : giant, tall lumberjack
82. THEME CENTRAL IDEA OF A WORK. Usually a phrase *Love conquers all. *War tears people apart.
83. TONE Attitude a writer has towards a subject. Think of your mother saying, “WATCH THAT TONE OF VOICE YOUNG LADY…”
85. VOICE Distinctive use of language in a text. The speaker may be a mother and her voice is motherly, nurturing, caring, and loving. The author uses specific words (language) to create the character of the mother. “Honey…” “M’am”
Term # 86. ARGUMENT Definition: a series of statements in a text designed to convince us of something Example: Persuasive Essay – you argue your opinion Memorization Tip: You get into an arGUMent with your teacher on why you should be able to chew GUM in class.
87. CAUSE and EFFECT HOW and WHY one thing leads to another. Do not study for the test Poor score on the test Bad attitude in class Parent conference Be rude and disrespectful in class Receive a referral Drop out of high school Earn minimum wage
89. CLAIM CLAIM = OPINION CLAIM rhymes with LAME My opinion is that dogs are lame.
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)
ALLEGORY SYMBOLIC STORY (characters/events/actions STAND for something) ALLEGORY RHYMES WITH STORY!!! “The Golden Kite, Silver Wind” (2 towns building walls represent 2 countries in an arms race)