Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. HOW TO CHOOSE A CAREER PATH Discovering Career Options Plan Your Education & Training Where To Go For Help
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource Who or What Helps You Choose? Where Do You Get Information? Parents? Friends? Internet? TV? Teachers? News?
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. What Do You Want Life To Be After High School? Consider your own likes & dislikes Consider your after-high school plans Create your own definition of success (work schedule, self-supporting, nice coworkers/boss, creative environment, purpose/meaning, etc.) Go through the Career Planning Process
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. What Are “Hot Jobs?” In-Demand Jobs / High-Growth Occupations * Projected to have a lot of job openings in the next 10 years * Have job duties or use skills that are needed to help the economy * Will offer decent pay and steady employment
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Source: What Are “Hot Jobs?” Emerging Careers & Industries
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Should I Only Look at “Hot Jobs” When Making Career Plans? Consider your own likes & dislikes Consider your after-high school plans Create your own definition of success (work schedule, self-supporting, nice coworkers/boss, creative environment, purpose/meaning, etc.) Go through the Career Planning Process NO!!
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Career Planning Process Source:
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Career Planning Process
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Knowing What You Want And Don’t Want In A Career Gives You Control Of Your Choices Knowing What You Want Helps You To Make Realistic Career Goals Self Assessments …
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Have You Already Made Some Decisions About Your Future? Do you want to live in a city? In Minnesota? Do you want to go to a 4-year college? Do you like working outside or in an office? Which classes are you doing well in? What makes you happy?
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Already Made Some Decisions?
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Self Assessments: Holland Code – RIASEC
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. REALISTIC people are often good at mechanical or athletic jobs. (Architecture & Construction, Transportation) INVESTIGATIVE people like to watch, learn, analyze and solve problems. (Information Technology, STEM, Health Science) ARTISTIC people like to use their creativity and come up with new ideas. (Education & Training, Arts & Communications) Self Assessments: Holland Code – RIASEC
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. SOCIAL people like to work directly with people rather than things. (Human Service, Government, Marketing & Sales) ENTERPRISING people like to influence, persuade and perform. (Business & Management, Law & Public Safety) CONVENTIONAL people are very detail-oriented and like to work with data. (Finance, Manufacturing, Health Science) Self Assessments: Holland Code – RIASEC
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource Career Clusters Agriculture Architecture & Construction Arts & Communications Business & Management Education Finance Government Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law & Public Safety Manufacturing Marketing & Sales Science & Technology Transportation
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Animal Caretaker Environmental Engineer Food Scientist Landscape Architect Marine Biologist Park Naturalist
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Architecture & Construction Bricklayer Carpenter Construction Manager Electrician Landscape Architect Interior Designer
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Actor Multimedia Artist Prepress Worker Musician TV Camera Operator Technical Writer
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Business, Management & Administration Business Executive Employment Recruiter Office Manager Human Resources Payroll Clerk Meeting & Convention Planner
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Education & Training Coach College Instructor Corporate Trainer Librarian School Teacher Childcare Worker
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Finance Bank Teller Bill & Account Collector Tax Preparer Financial Counselor Insurance Agent Loan Officer
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Government & Public Administration Interpreter & Translator License Clerk Coroner Highway Maintenance Worker Urban & Regional Planner
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Health Science Athletic Trainer Dentist Dietician Home Health Aide Nurse Pharmacist
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Hospitality & Tourism Food Preparation Worker Bartender Casino Gaming Worker Restaurant Manager Tour Guide Amusement Park Ride Operator
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Human Services Child Care Worker Clergy Hairstylist & Cosmetologist Funeral Director School Counselor Social Worker
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Information Technology Web Developer Computer Engineer Help Desk Technician Computer Security Specialist Database Administrator Video Game Designer
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Law, Public Safety & Security Animal Control Worker Corrections Officer Detective Firefighter Police Patrol Officer Security Guard
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Manufacturing Appliance Installer & Repairer Small Engine Mechanic Precision Assembler Machine Operator Building Maintenance Worker Industrial Production Manager
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Marketing, Sales and Service Advertising Salespeople Cashier Purchasing Agent Public Relations Manager Real Estate Agent Customer Service Representative
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Chemist Meterologist Electrical Engineer Geographer Nuclear Engineer Engineering Technician
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Airline Pilot Bus Driver Forklift Operator Light Truck Driver Auto Body Repairer Taxi Driver & Chauffeur
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Options After High School 2-Year College 4-Year College Apprenticeship AmeriCorps Military Work
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource National Median Earnings by Education* Unemployment Rate Median Weekly Earnings 9.0%Less than High School$ %High School Graduate$ %Some College, No Degree$ %Associate Degree$ %Bachelor's Degree$ %Master's Degree$1, %Professional Degree$1, %Doctorate$1,555 *Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Earnings are for year-round, full-time employed workers age 25 and older; unemployment rate is also for those age 25 and over.
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. CareerOneStop Occupation & Industry Information State Information Job Search Resources Career Tools Career Videos
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. ISEEK Explore Careers –Career Research –Goals Setting –Career Assessments Plan Your Education –Education Options –Online Programs –Financial Aid Info Find A Job –Explore Job Market –Job Search Steps
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. MnCareers Start Exploring –Career Decision –Interest Assessment –Hot Skills –Work-Based Learning Investigate Careers –Career Clusters –Labor Market info & salary for 200 occupations –Descriptions & education requirements Future Planning –Higher Education –Military –Apprenticeship –Job Search Resources
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. Minnesota Works Job Bank Part-Time Jobs Internships Minnesota Employers Free to Post Resume
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. People In Your Life – School Counselors & Teachers – After-School & Community Programs – Family Members – People Who Went to College – People Who Have Interesting Jobs
Minnesota’s career, education, and job resource. QUESTIONS?