Department of commerce and management, St.Philomena's college(autonomous), Mysore-15 Company law Seminar presented on the topic- Role of a company secretary By, Shafia Umme Tabassum, ,6 B'com A
The role of a company secretary is spread across all business functions. But majorly it is classified under 3 categories- As a statutory officer. As a co-ordinator. As an administrative officer.
As a statutory officer:
As a statutory officer company secretary is responsible for the compliance of provisions under the following acts- Companies Act of 1956,(replaced with the act of 2013). Income Tax Act of Monopoly Restricted Trade Practices Act of Indian stamp act. Other acts like FEMA, Sales Tax act, Labour laws like Factories Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, Industrial Disputes act, Provident Fund,etc.
As a co-ordinator:
The role of a company secretary as a co- ordinator can be broadly classified into two types- Personnel functions. Legal functions.
Personnel functions : Preparation of policies relating to recruitment of personnel, service rules etc. Placement and training. Domestic enquiries. Negotiations with the employer’s organization.
Installing Grievance Redressal Procedure. Annual assessment procedure for individual officers. Participating in joint consultative committee meetings with employees. Acting as a link between the employees and the management.
Acting as internal advisor on labour law matters. Appearing before appropriate authorities in labour and industrial law cases.
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