By: Noah Szajowitz
Oil Pollution Act Of 1990 Drafted into legislation on August 18,1990 by the 101 st United States Congress and signed into law by George H.W Bush A National Law that covers what ships can be allowed into U.S waters that carry oil. Proposed amendments in 2010 after the BP oil spill to raise $75 Million cap limit.
Purpose of the law The purpose of The Oil Pollution Act Of 1990 is to establish limitations on damages and liability from oil spills. It also established a fund for payment of oil spill compensation and damages. Another main point of the act is the banning of single hull, 5000 gross ton or more vessels from entering U.S waters that contain oil. This has led to the development of a double hull to prevent spills from happenimg.
Regulation The act is regulated mainly by the federal government, but it is enforced by the EPA. The EPA has a special task force called the SPCC (Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure) that manages oil spills and enforces the act.