Lesson Planning TCH 347 Department of Education Social Studies in the Elementary School Department of Education Shippensburg University Han Liu, Ph. D.
Types of Lesson Plan Mini Lesson Plan Unit Lesson Plan Block Lesson Plan (Block Scheduling)
Keep in Mind When Planning a Lesson Goals: Long-range desired outcomes of instruction that give teachers a sense of direction. Usually expressed as strands that are woven throughout the curriculum at all or at certain grade levels. Three Strands of Goals Knowledge and Cultural Understanding Skills Attainment and Social Participation Democratic Understanding and Civic Values
Lesson Plan Outline Prepare Standards Prepare Objectives Prepare Curriculum Prepare Students Prepare Learning Environment Prepare Technology Prepare Instructional Strategies Prepare Class Activities Prepare Assessment
Preparing for Standards National State District School Personal
Preparing Objectives Objectives: Related specific and measurable outcomes sought by teachers at each grade level. Behavioral Objective Behavior (action verb) Performance level (criteria) Criteria (condition of performance) Cognitive Objective General Cognitive Objectives Special Cognitive Objectives Open Objective vs. Closed Objective Open objective: Divergent thinking is emphasized Closed Objective: Convergent thinking is emphasized
Sample of Behavioral Objectives (1) Knowledge Objective: Students will write [behavior] a definition of stereotype similar to the one in the textbook[performance level], without referring to the textbook or a dictionary[conditions]. Thinking Skill Objective: Using classroom sources other than the textbook [condition], students will generalize by writing [behavior] one [performance level] main idea about the role of government in a community. Study Skill Objective: Students will make [behavior] a map of trails westward, using crayons and an outline map of the United States [conditions] to show three trails in different colors [performance level]
Sample of Behavior Objectives (2) Value Objective: Students will state [behavior] the extent to which justice was upheld in a story read by the teacher [conditions], giving one [performance level] reason for the judgment. Participation Objective: Students will show sensitivity to feelings of others by always [performance level] making [behavior] constructive comments in group discussion [conditions].
Preparing Curriculum Text book Other Print/Online Materials Curriculum Organization Content Delivery Conceptual Structure Scope and Sequence Skills
Preparing Students-1 Learning Styles Cognitive Styles Multiple Intelligence Personal Interests Special Needs
Preparing Students-2 Cultural Differences Ethnic Differences Racial Differences Differences in Socioeconomic Status (SES) Linguistic Differences Gender Differences Religious Differences Regional Differences Individuality
Preparing Students-3 Exceptional Students Gifted and Talented students Students with mental retardation Student with learning disabilities Students with emotional disturbance Students with physical impairments Students with hearing impairments Students with visual impairments Students with movement impairments Students with communication disorders At-risk students
Preparing Class Activities Introductory activities Developmental activities Expanding activities Concluding activities Individual activities Group activities Activities involving technology
Preparing Group Activities Whole group Small Group Committees The Symposium The Panel Discussion The Roundtable Discussion Buzz Groups Cooperative Learning Groups Decision-Making Model Case-Analysis Model
Preparing Learning Environment Environmental Sound Light Temperature Emotional Motivation Persistence Responsibility Sociological By oneself Pairs/Groups With Authoritative Adult Physiological Visual/ Auditory Kinesthetic Food or Drink Intake While Concentrating Morning/Noon/Night (Energy Peaks) Psychological Global/ Analytical Learning Right-Brained/ Left Brained Dominance Impulsive Reflective
Preparing Technology Reserve machines Test machines before class Alignment instructional and learning activities with technology Prepare rules for using technology Prepare backups in case of technology failure
Preparing Instructional Strategies Theoretical guidelines Instructional approaches Content/grade level appropriate methods Instructing, facilitating, supervising, and directing techniques Accommodating different needs Questioning techniques Organizing examples Informal assessment skills Developing student learning modules
Alignment of Standards, Objectives, Questions, and Assessments National & State Standards Behavioral & Cognitive Objectives Convergent & Divergent Questions Traditional & Alternative Assessments
Choices of Assessment Tools (refer to PPT #3 Assessment & Evaluation) Alignment of Objectives, Questions, and Assessments with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level of Objectives Level of Questions Choices of Assessment Tools (refer to PPT #3 Assessment & Evaluation)
Alignment with KWHL Model What do you already know Student previous knowledge What do you want to know Learning objectives How do you know Procedures and activities What have you learned Assessment (formal & informal)
Consider the Following in Lesson Planning Grade Level Subject Area Content Specialty Time Allocation
Want to be a Great Teacher? Mediocre teacher tells Good teacher explains Superior teacher demonstrates Great teacher inspires
Contents of a Generic Lesson Plan Standards Objectives Materials Procedure/Activities Teacher’ Activities Introduction Development Expansion Conclusion Lecturing Facilitating Supervising Directing Providing feedback Students Activities Individual activities Group activities Hands-on activities Activity with technology Data-gathering activities Thinking-reasoning activities Applicative activities Creative/Expressive activities Organizing/Summarizing Activities Reflection/Informal/Formal Assessment Assignment (Homework)