Lesson Planning for ELLs Using the WIDA/ELP Standards Joy S. McLaughlin, Ed. D. joy@education-horizons.net
Where do we begin? Students? - grade levels WIDA Standards/ NC Standard Course of Study? Students? - grade levels - language proficiency levels
What do I need to begin? WIDA Standards Resource Guide NC Standard Courses of Study Information from Regular Classroom Teachers/ESL Teachers Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Lesson Plan Format Information on students you are teaching!
The WIDA/ELP Standards
So who uses what in a perfect world? ESL teachers Regular Classroom Teachers - Core Areas - SIOP WIDA Standards NC SCS NC SCS WIDA Standards
Steps to Writing Lesson Plans Choose WIDA Standard and Content Area; Choose the grade level(s) and language proficiency level(s) the lesson will address; Look at NC Standard Course of Study objectives that fit the content area you have chosen; Write a content objective from the objective; Choose domain(s) to address (R,W, L, S); Write a language objective from the content objective using a Model Performance Indicator; Use a lesson plan template for the lesson; Write the lesson!
What is a good objective? States what students will be able to….SWBAT Uses VERBs from Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (see list) Example: NC SCS – 6th grade Social Studies Competency Goal 1 The learner will use the five themes of geography and geographic tools to answer geographic questions and analyze geographic concepts. Objectives: 1.01 Create maps, charts, graphs, databases, and models as tools to illustrate information about different people, places and regions in South America and Europe. 1.02 Generate, interpret, and manipulate information from tools such as maps, globes, charts, graphs, databases, and models to pose and answer questions about space and place, environment and society, and spatial dynamics and connections. 1.03 Use tools such as maps, globes, graphs, charts, databases, models, and artifacts to compare data on different countries of South America and Europe and to identify patterns as well as similarities and differences among them.
Create a content objective that corresponds to this objective 1.02 Generate, interpret, and manipulate information from tools such as maps, globes, charts, graphs, databases, and models to pose and answer questions about space and place, environment and society, and spatial dynamics and connections. SWBAT identify and locate the countries in South America.
To which WIDA Standard does this objective correlate? SWBAT identify and locate the countries in South America. English Language Proficiency Standard 5 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies The language of Social Studies
NOW! Here comes the MPI MPI Remember the elements of an MPI? Language Function (Verbs: “Create”, “Identify”, etc. Topic or Genre (South American countries) Support (scaffolding ) graphic, sensory, interactive
MPI Verbs come from new Bloom’s Action Verb List (examples) Identify Classify Collect Distinguish Categorize Match Show Select Construct Assemble Arrange Name Recall Give examples Draw Organize Decide Describe Tell Restate Create Dramatize Locate List Underline Review Compose Dictate Point out Record Report Predict Express Plan and Evaluate Relate Generalize Demonstrate Outline Summarize Suppose Estimate Judge Explain Debate Illustrate Infer Revise Rewrite Assess Justify Critique Contrast Compare Question Map Discriminate Etc.
MPI Topics come from the NC SCS Content Areas: language related to topics! Examples: Math – (operations, approximate, estimate, quotient, etc.) Science – ( hypothesis, mitosis, procedures, life cycle, etc.) Social Studies – (continent, country, land forms, bicameral, etc.) Language Arts – (drama, genre, metaphor, essay, etc.) plus Social and Instructional Language
Examples of MPI Supports: Chosen to match language proficiency levels! from WIDA/ELP Resource Guide – RG 21
Language Proficiency Levels “Performance Definitions” from WIDA/ELP Resource Guide – RG 45
Strand of MPIs From WIDA/ELP Resource Guide – RG 15
Now it is your turn…. Each table will need a scribe 1 Assigned tables will list supports for: Beginning level (level 2) students Developing level (level 4) students 2 Assigned tables will list language functions (verbs) that describe what students will do! Developing level (level 4) students 3. Assigned tables will be assigned to list topics related to learning South American countries.
Choose five and write on sentence strips! Arrange yourselves to form MPIs
Now use your lesson plan template Write in header Create content and language objectives Fill in rest of lesson plan
Share your wisdom!!!!
Practice makes Perfect! You will need to practice using academic language from content areas to create language focus in the ELL classroom, in co-teaching classes, in sheltered (SIOP) classes.