Traineeships Tracey Nicholson Apprenticeship Project Manager Skills for Care
What are Traineeships? No less than 6 weeks (even if they progress early) and no more than six months from the start date A high quality work placement to give the young person meaningful work experience and develop workplace skills. A focused period of work preparation training, covering areas like CV writing, interview preparation, job search and inter-personal skills. English and maths, as these are seen as crucial employability skills. Potential for Vocational Training - Preparing to work in Adult Social Care – Not mandatory element but one that Skills for Care will be encouraging.
Work placement must: be no less than six weeks be no more than five months be a minimum of 100 hours for year-olds (no minimum for 16-18) unless there is a positive progression to an apprenticeship end in written feedback and job or exit interview.
Work preparation must be: “The content of the work preparation training will be up to providers and employers to agree.”
English and maths Must be delivered, if not already achieved at level 2. If the trainee has already achieved level 2 functional skills they must work towards GCSE grade C or higher. An ESOL qualification is an eligible equivalent.
The story so far… Skills for Care Traineeship strategy. Events to promote and increase awareness of Traineeships. Ensure all parties are involved and communicating effectively to maximise positive impact. Individual Employer Learning Provider
'16-hour-rule' for Traineeship participants The Department for Work and Pensions is removing the '16-hour-rule' for training that has applied to Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) claimants participating in Traineeships in England, with effect Monday 3 March. The removal of the '16-hour-rule' will give colleges, training organisations and employers greater flexibility to design traineeships that meet individual learners’ needs.
What next?... Establish which learning providers are able to deliver, and want to deliver. Events bringing learning providers and employers together. Guides designed to help promote Traineeships…