Combating the driver shortage
1.Very bad, will have a major impact 2.Bad, could impact Christmas deliveries 3.Potential problem in the longer term 4.Haven’t been affected 5.What driver shortage? On a scale of 1 – 5 How bad do you think the driver shortage is ?
1.Yes 2.No Are you currently recruiting or looking to recruit in the near future?
Is there a driver shortage? Implementation of Driver CPC will prompt retirements Agencies reporting shortfall of drivers with Driver CPC Members report issues recruiting drivers for vehicles above 7.5T New licence acquisitions are down by 24% between , with only 25,679 licences in 2013 compared to 32,767 in ,000 C+E drivers aged and 33,000 aged 61 and over
Will there be anyone to drive the sleigh?
Transport Manager Survey Respondents were asked what they thought the reasons were for the shortage of HGV drivers 48% said that drivers retiring rather than completing DCPC was the main reason 28% said it was due to the anticipated upturn in the economy 24% chose other reasons with the majority blaming a shortage of young people choosing to drive as a job
Survey results – Barriers to driver recruitment
What are the barriers to recruitment? Cost of licence acquisition Cost of insurance for young/inexperienced drivers Lack of driver facilities Considered a male-only role Lack of interest and understanding of the logistics sector
Breaking down the barriers Licence acquisition – there are funding streams available for both employer and employee Certificate to Work – trial ongoing Sector Based Work Academies – trial in North West and South West England Local Enterprise Partnerships – South East Midlands project Apprenticeships are changing – Trailblazers Career Development Loans – interested drivers can gain loans to pay for Class C1 and C+E licences
Breaking down the barriers Insurance – Could telematics be the answer? Driver facilities – Concerted effort needed to improve quality and provision Male-only role – Technology and changing work patterns can help widen appeal
Breaking down the barriers Lack of interest in sector Engage with schools and colleges Work with local job centres Logistics job fairs Engage with Local Enterprise Partnerships
Driver agencies’ role Operators need confidence they are hiring compliant drivers FTA Driver Agency Accreditation Scheme Ensures that drivers are checked prior to working; correct licence entitlements, DQC card, digital tacho card Ensures that drivers have appropriate knowledge: drivers hours, walk around checks, safe and legal loading, Highway Code
Professionalising the industry Currently no professional development framework and no career development path within logistics therefore industry misses out on funding FTA Fleet Management Qualification City & Guilds appointed as Awarding Organisation Will recognise skills, expertise and diverse environment of variety of sector specific roles Level 3 Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management Qualification ready spring 2015 Level 2, 4 and 5 to follow later in 2015
FMQ Framework Group A Management competencies and TMCPC syllabus as defined in EU Regulation 1071/ Operational Compliance 2.Vehicle and Commercial Management 3.Health and Safety 4.Management Skills (core management competencies including tools and techniques to help improve operational and professional development and that of your team)
FMQ Framework Group B Managing commercial vehicle operation: Choose one theme 1.Trunking and Distribution (depot to business) 2.Urban logistics (Depot to business) 3.Home deliveries (Depot to consumer) 4.International operations
FMQ Framework Group C - Sector Specialism: Choose minimum of one theme 1.Chemicals and consumer commodities9. Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare 2.Clothing and Footwear10. Power, Heat, Light and Telecommunications 3.Electrical and Electronics11. Transportation and Automotive 4.Construction and Maintenance12. Public and Civic Services 5.Food and Drink13. Waste and Recycling 6.Furniture and Furnishings14 Agricultural Supplies and Produce 7.Leisure and Entertainment15Steel and Non-Ferrous Metals 8.Paper and Printing16Removals and Home Storage
Tackling the Driver Shortage FTA campaign Working with the Department for Work and Pensions to help driver recruitment projects and raise profile of logistics Delivering a fit-for-purpose logistics apprenticeship Campaigning for better driver facilities Accrediting driver agencies to deliver best practice Creating new qualifications to show a clear career path
Funding Briefing Note
Ultimately industry has to work together to sell the sector as a career