Wetlands Andrea Berry Shiawassee Conservation District
Wetlands An area with saturated soils for at least part of the year An area with saturated soils for at least part of the year Hydric soils: lack free oxygen Hydric soils: lack free oxygen Support an abundance of wildlife Support an abundance of wildlife Birds, fish, mammals, plants, etc. Birds, fish, mammals, plants, etc. Breeding grounds for many animals Breeding grounds for many animals Store and slowly release filtered water Store and slowly release filtered water
Formation of Wetlands Runoff from rain travels over land until it collects in a low spot (pond, river, lake) Runoff from rain travels over land until it collects in a low spot (pond, river, lake) The surrounding saturated land forms a wetland The surrounding saturated land forms a wetland Also formed and fed by groundwater Also formed and fed by groundwater
Function of Wetlands Hold and store water Hold and store water Slowly release stored water Slowly release stored water Filter water removing pollutants Filter water removing pollutants Standing water attracts organisms & contributes to the Food Chain Standing water attracts organisms & contributes to the Food Chain Insects for birds and mammals to eat Insects for birds and mammals to eat Aquatic organisms for fish to eat Aquatic organisms for fish to eat Fish for larger organisms to eat Fish for larger organisms to eat
Types of Wetlands
Bogs Boreal – cold environments Boreal – cold environments Acidic peat – deposits of dead plant material Acidic peat – deposits of dead plant material Low in nutrients – plants have adapted Low in nutrients – plants have adapted Peat – used to heat homes & in gardens to retain moisture in soil Peat – used to heat homes & in gardens to retain moisture in soil
Mangrove Tropical coastal zones Tropical coastal zones Soils are saline & water-logged Soils are saline & water-logged Mangrove plants stabilize soils Mangrove plants stabilize soils Act as a natural buffer to winds and waves Act as a natural buffer to winds and waves Plants have adapted to saline water Plants have adapted to saline water
Marshes Dominated by herbaceous plants and shallow water Dominated by herbaceous plants and shallow water Contains fresh, brackish, or saline water Contains fresh, brackish, or saline water Serves as breeding grounds for many animals Serves as breeding grounds for many animals Constructed wetlands usually in the form of a marsh Constructed wetlands usually in the form of a marsh
Swamps A seasonally flooded bottomland A seasonally flooded bottomland Contains large amounts of woody vegetation Contains large amounts of woody vegetation Trees Trees Slow moving waters rich in tannins from decaying organic material Slow moving waters rich in tannins from decaying organic material Usually adjacent to rivers or lakes Usually adjacent to rivers or lakes Organisms are specialized to live in standing water Organisms are specialized to live in standing water
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