A Review of Conceptual Foundations write by Peter Kaufamann, Sigrid Stangl, Katarzyna Zawalińska, Jerzy Michalek Presented by Mariana Gálová
Measuring quality of life is an important element by development of regions It helps to raise living standart of inhabitant and shows some deficieces which shoud be improve there are some problems exist with measuring of quality The base problem is use an approach, which is the most suitable highlighting advantages and disadvantages of individual approaches in the European Union
Q uality of life – important element in the development of regions, and many policies aim to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. Rural indicators – are used by measuring of quality of life in rural regions, often linked with the social, economic and enviroment Policy monitoring – quality of life respond to policy goal in rural region, directly influece development of specific area
Based on the notion of utility Focus rational individuals on maximise their utility through an optimal combination of goods bought from their income Problems by trying applied this theory from individual to the societal level ( aggregation must be taken as one person) As an indicator is used Index of economic well-being (similar to GDP) IEWB differentiate between welfare for current and future generation
IEWB has four basic domains, which create it: - effective per capita consumption flows ( marketed services and goods like GDP but add also externalities) _ net societal accumulation of stock of productive resources - sustainability domain ( tangible, human capital, investment ) - income distribution ( intensity of powerty and inequality of income) - economic of security ( financial support for illness, unemployment, family break- up...) may lead to misleading conclusion, ´cause of data availability
Uses net national production (NNP) Count with manufactured (building, machinery), human (skills, health) and natural capital (minerals, water) Problems - by accounting prices over time they are not tenable and also institutions are not included Count with current situation and according to this makes prediction for future (negative investment in Afrika 2004)
Determinants of life satisfaction : -personality factors ( optimism, self-esteem) -socio-demographic factors (status,gender) -micro and macroeconomic factors (employment, living conditions....) In generall satisfaction of people increase with the growth of incomes ( in the way of representant ) Most important are personality factors, which predetermined ability of person to achieve target and face up to inequality (feeling)
Ill-being Base on fact that potential loses influence people more than potencial gains Most common family solve problems as deprivation, disadvantage, inequal income, powerty.... It´s a concept how to „not being unhappy“ People influence the most: income and financial,employment, educational, health and housing disadvantage
Measuring absolute QoL in regions The decision of households to migrate is influenced by living standart Base on probability better life in other place, after takin into account all opportunity costs associated with the move Migration rate in specific region is compar to migration rate in whole country Percetage is indicator of quality of life in area
Respect not only economy, but also social, political and cultural dimension How to integrate non-market goods between individuals Distinguishes between functionings (achievements) and capabilities (opportunity to choose) Capabilities are more relevant, ´cause there are another factors like policy system, low.. Missing measure of inequality,social and enviromental area
Focus on the natur ( base for social and economic being) MILLENIUM ECOSYSTEM ASSESMENT- measurement is problematic, relationship between ecosystem and human well-being isn´t linear Differentiate between direct(factories) and indirect(globalisation) influence Comprehensive measure of ecosystem between countries (quality of water, air, land, atmosphere)
Involving many indicatorson different scales 68 indicators set by UK government Direct link between national policy and local needs 44 indicators are calculated from local area and involved nature resorces 20 indicators give an overwiew of development specific country 4 indicators are individual
Conceptual basic for QoL measurement was improved in recent years, but is still experimental Measuring require a hybrid approach Outcome measures are mostly superior to the input measures Only with involving natural resources we are able to get optimal measurement of long- term social welfare We shoud use informations from every area and make a balanced result