WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WORDS IN COLUMN A AND B? If you were able to read the words in column A, it is because you know those words already and have seen them before. The only difference between the words in Column A and B, is a small little line. Although that line is small, it makes a world of difference as far as spelling goes. Even though accents are only a small little line, they have a huge influence on the correct spelling and pronunciation of Spanish words. Continue
GENERAL INFORMATION Accents are always placed over vowels. Accents can only appear once per word. Accents are always placed over the stressed syllable. There are six accent categories and one sub-category. Useful Vocab: Stressed syllable: The loudest syllable you hear in a word. Continue
QUIZ Over a vowel Once per word All of the answers are correct Over the stressed syllable When you use accent marks, you can only use them ________.
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AGUDA Aguda words are stressed on the last syllable. They need an accent when the word ends with an N, S or a vowel. Example: avión separates into two syllables = a-vión The last syllable is the stressed syllable and it ends with an N, therefore it needs an accent over the ó. Continue
QUIZ I don’t remember Are words that end with an N, S or vowel. Need an accent when they end with an “b.” Have the stressed syllable on the last syllable. Aguda words…
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LLANA Llana words have the stressed syllable on the second to last syllable. They need an accent mark when they end with anything other than N, S or a vowel. (HINT: A majority of accented llana words end with L,Z,R,D) Example: ár-bol separates into two syllables = ár-bol The second to last syllable is stressed and it ends with an L, therefore it needs an accent over the á. Continuar
QUIZ Which of the following statements is true about the llana accent category? All llana words end with L,Z,R,D. Llana words have the stressed syllable on the third to last syllable. Martínez is llanaMartínez is llana. Cortez is llanaCortez is llana.
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ESDRÚJULA Esdrújulas words have the stressed syllable on the third to last syllable. Example: te-le-fo-no separates into four syllables = te-lé-fo-no The third to last syllable is the stressed syllable, therefore it needs an accent mark over the é. Continue
SOBREESDRÚJULA Sobreesdrújula words are a subcategory of esdrújula words. Sobresdrújula words need an accent mark when the stressed syllable is on the 4th to last syllable or beyond. All of these words need an accent mark, just like esdrújula. (HINT: The majority of words that end with “MENTE” are sobreesdrújula) EXample: ra-pi-da-men-te separates into five syllables = rá-pi-da-men-te The stressed syllable is the 5 th to last, therefore it needs an accent over the á. Continue
QUIZ Which of the following statements are true about the esdrújula category and the sobreesdrújula subcategory? All esdrújula have an accent mark. Esdrújula has the stressed syllable on the third to last syllable. Sobreesdrújulas usually end with “mente.” All of the answers are correct.
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HIATO Hiatos need a written accent mark when there are two vowels next to each other but are pronounced in two separate syllables. The weak vowels, “í” and “ú” need an accent to separate. Without the help of the accent mark, the weak vowels will join the other vowels and be pronounced as a single syllable rather than two. Example: Me-jí-a The vowels separate into two syllables, therefore, it needs an accent over the í. Continuar
QUIZ Choose the example that is NOT hiato: DíaRaúl Televisión Biología
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PREGUNTAS All question words have an accent mark over the stressed syllable. Example: ¿cuándo? Separates into two syllables= ¿ cuán-do ? The second to last syllable is the stressed syllable, therefore it needs an accent over the á. Indirect questions also have an accent mark. For example in the sentence. “I don’t know why.“ = “Yo no sé por qué.” Continue
QUIZ Which one of these question words is written correctly? Cómó Comó Cómo Como
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MONOSÍLABOS These are the only single syllable words that need an accent mark. The purpose of the accent mark in this case, is to show a difference in meaning in otherwise two identical words. Example: tu means YOUR tú means YOU Continuar
QUIZ Which of the following words are written correctly according to the monosílabos rules? guión sí noaún
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REVIEW Continue AGUDA LLANA ESDRÚJULA HIATO PREGUNTAS MONOSÍLABOS The last syllable is the stressed syllable. Needs an accent if it ends with N, S or a vowel. Examples: A-vión Be-bé A-diós Second to last syllable is the stressed syllable. Needs an accent if it ends with anything other than N, S or a vowel. Examples: Lá-piz Ár-bol Cés-ped Third to last syllable is the stressed syllable. Always needs an accent mark. Examples: Te-lé-fo-no Má-gi-co Quí-mi-ca A weak vowel that needs separating from another vowel. I y U are weak vowels. Examples: Ma-rí-a li-bre-rí-a Ra-úl All question words need an accent mark on the stressed syllable. Examples: ¿Có-mo? ¿Quién? ¿Dón-de? The only single- syllable words that have an accent mark. Need an accent mark because there are 2 meanings. Examples: Sí Más Sé
TEST YOURSELF Click here to continue with the accents exam. Click here to review the material once more.