Fixed Asset Inventory
Database Refresh 1. Run Oracle Reports to create files. A. Asset Condition Data File. B. Asset Data File. C. Asset Location Data File. D. Asset Resp. Person Data File 2. Click “Download from Banner”
Run Oracle Reports to create files.
Click “Download from Banner”
Inventory Fixed Assets 1. Start Mutli-Scan Form. 2. Scan Asset Bar Codes. 3. Maintain Asset Information. 4. Set Last Inventory Date. 5. Click “Upload Banner Updates”.
Start Mutli-Scan Form.
Scan Asset Bar Codes.
Maintain Asset Information.
Set Last Inventory Date.
Click “Upload Banner Updates”.
Other Asset Application Tools 1.Audit by Location. 2.Audit by Responsible Person. 3.Enter Found Inventory. 4.Found Inventory Report.
Other Asset Application Tools
Audit by Location.
Audit by Responsible Person.
Enter Found Inventory.
Found Inventory Report.
Review and Process Updates 1.Run Audit Reports. 2.Review Changes Online 3.Process Updates to Banner.
Run Audit Reports.
Review Changes Online
Process Updates to Banner.
Other Fixed Asset Tools 1. Fixed Asset Inventory History. 2. Fixed Asset Change Responsible Person Mass Change. 3. Fixed Asset Disposal Change.
Fixed Asset Inventory History.
Fixed Asset Change Responsible Person Mass Change.
Fixed Asset Disposal Change.