Tracking Assets Physical Inventory Inventory Services The University of Texas at Austin
Objectives Physical Inventory Timeline Understanding the NVP Report Physical Inventory Process
When Do We Perform Inventory? Inventory Services establishes eight inventory cycles. Cycle deadlines are based on the number of items assigned to the departments The cycles are posted to the inventory web page and may be viewed here at anytimehere Please note – you may begin your inventory at any time the system is open – the earlier the better
Before You Begin Know your certification due date and gather tools and materials to meet the deadline Run a current NVP report of departmental assets or download your inventory list from FRMS Review the building/room list from the NVP report for your area Scanner Requests to request a scanner and make Provide building code(s) where equipment is located
Why can’t I use the online NVP report for certification? The printed DEFINE NVP report contains serial # and percentage stats not available on the DEFINE online command or the FRMS departmental web portal Please refer to the NVP Report TrainingNVP Report Training
Understanding the NVP Report Found (F) New fiscal year acquisitions will be indicated as “found” when they are added to your inventory Update location if the inventory item has moved Missing (M) For items previously indicated as missing – continue to look for these items and change the status only if item is found University owned items marked as “missing” will be written-off and removed from the system after two years Do not remark items missing or reset missing date if the asset was not found during the annual physical inventory process. No need to submit an IRR to remove the missing item Every item must be marked as either “F” or “M”
Physical Inventory Process Step 1: Locate Step 2: Scan Step 3: Reconcile Step 4: Report
Step 1: Locate Use the NVP/FRMS report to locate assets Make sure to search everywhere: Offices/classrooms Labs Closets/storage areas Previous documentation/files Check off-campus forms or logs Communicate with coworkers to assist with locating Communicate with P.I. or faculty responsible for the item Did they move, loan, transfer, trade in, or remove the item with any other methods without notifying you?
Step 2: Scan Before beginning to scan in a room, ensure that the scanner is set to that room and building Change room number and/or building when needed Scan all equipment within any one room even if item is not in your unit. This will provide an update location and “found” status to the other department Scanning an item will not change ownership or unit transfer It will simply update the found status and will record the logon ID of the person who scanned the item
Step 2: Scan Cont’d Other important information: Scanner Do not scan more that 200 items at a time to ensure all data is retained on the scanner Drop-off the scanners in our office (MAI 132) so we can upload your scan data Repeat this process until all inventory items for the unit you are in charge of have been scanned
Step 3: Reconcile After the scanning is complete review all the “unfound” items’ on the NVP or FRMS and mark them missing (unless they were previously marked missing) Submit appropriate removal forms for all equipment no longer in your possession but still listed in DEFINE or on the NVP report as being in your possession
Step 3: Reconcile cont. Contact Inventory Services for any scanned items that have been tagged but are not listed in your inventory or that show up on your NVP report as a virtual number (INV numbers 9XXXXX) Work with Inventory Services if your department is above two percent of missing items Inventory Services will be able to assist you in tracking down or researching any missing items at your request
View Percentage of Unfound Items Comp Unit Unfound % Unfound Depr Amt Total Depr Amt As of Date/Time % 150, , /08/03 00: % 150, , /08/03 00:48 Department must find 100% of all federally- or privately-owned inventory Your unfound percentage should be below 2%. If the unfound percentage is at or above 2%, there may be a penalty assessed to the department’s budget
Step 4: Report Once you have completed all equipment scanning, manual updates, and performed your due diligence to find ALL missing assets, you are ready to certify The certification form certifies that: All items are accounted for within your department and their status has been updated in DEFINE or FRMS