Where does social media fit in the marketing mix?
Marketing 101: Make a connection Set goals Craft the right message Choose the right vehicles Implement creative Allocate budget Take-away: Marketers must deliver relevant messages to receptive audiences wherever they assemble; Social media doesn’t change this.
The latest ‘next big thing’ Town crier Johannes Gutenberg’s Press Radio Television Internet Take-away: There will always be another “next best thing,” follow the same rules and you’ll always adapt quickly.
Best Practices Go where your audiences congregate Make the best use of each medium Maintain brand consistency across media Use an “audience centered” approach Make an emotional connection Maintain high ethical standards Take-away: Social media doesn’t change this.
Content Management Quick & easy news updates
Word of Mouth Give something “extra” to fans Collect & display testimonials, comments
Warm water 83% of the Internet population (ages 13 to 54) uses social media 47% on a weekly basis 63% don’t mind viewing advertising Of those consumers who react to advertising on social media sites, travel services and banking were the chief beneficiaries Source: May, 2009 study by Knowledge Networks
Cold water Less than 5% of social media users seek guidance on purchase decisions Only 16% of social media users say they are more likely to buy from advertisers on social sites Evidence suggests people using social networking sites are singularly focused on engaging with their peers Source: May, 2009 study by Knowledge Networks
Highest and best use of social media? Word-of-mouth augmentation Search engine optimization (SEO) Networking Content management Not yet a mass advertising vehicle Take-away: Take advantage of the strengths of the medium
Take-away “Marketing leaders must work with their teams, agencies, and media partners to update their vision of integrated marketing in order to counter the effects of the (media) meltdown and to harness social media.” David Card of Forrester Research
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