The By Fernando Castro
An earth-shaking event The plates are the causes of the earthquakes that happens in the world and also are very dangerous like the earthquake that happens in Alaska in 1964 in that earthquake a little school that was complete destroy by the earthquake like this image of the earthquake:
A plate can do a tsunami? Yes it can do a tsunami like in this image
The parts of a earthquake The earthquake is made by :epicenter that is above the focus and the focus is the point in the earth quake starts then two more that are the earthquake waves and the other that is the fault.
Some real earthquakes Three famous earthquakes Lisbon,PortugalCoastal ChileIzmit, Turkey
Others earthquakes are with magnitudes First how we can measure eaerhquakes? We can measure with the Richted scale we can measure its strength inveted by an American sismologist. Like the earthquake of Japan that its magnitude was -9