Aircraft Reservation System All non-commercial flights, regardless of funding source, should be arranged using the Aircraft Reservation System. TXDOT Aviation Division provides support for use of state agency aircraft and certification for all outside charters.
Who can use State Aircraft? The Rules and Policies governing the use of State Aircraft are available by visiting the Aircraft website at: Important Reminders The aircraft may only be used in the conduct of official State business. The aircraft may be used only if: (1) the number traveling is cost efficient ; or (2) the destination is not served by commercial carriers; or (3) the time required to use commercial carriers interferes with other obligations {travelers should maintain documentation, such as a calendar, in support of this statement}. There are only 3 categories of eligible passengers who may use the State aircraft: (1) passengers who are officers or employees of the State of Texas; (2) passengers who are spouses or other non-employees whose presence benefits the State or is in furtherance of State business; and (3) passengers who are in the care or custody of an officer or employee traveling on official State business.
Make a reservation Print reservation form (Approval Form) View Calendar Update Reservation (pending status only) View Reservation once it’s been approved What Can this System Do?
How Do I Become a User? Ask your supervisor to send an to Jeff Kauffmann at requesting you be trained in the use of the Reservation System and the UT System Aircraft Contact Amy Mitchell at or to schedule training Acknowledge receipt of training via signed memo
User makes reservation on the web User receives confirmation of reservation User prints out paper report of Reservation User obtains signature of authorized approver User forwards signed Reservation to Operations Aircraft Reservation Process Operations “approves” flight in the Reservation System
What you’ll need before you begin: Date of flight Arrival and departure times Passenger list Detailed description of the purpose of the flight and the benefit to the State of the flight.
Log on to: UT System employees, use your network ID and password Others use the name and password assigned Authorized Users, click UT Staff Entrance, others can click Flight Calendar (View Only) Check calendar for conflicting flights TXDOT can usually accommodate additional flights Use online resources to determine flight times and airport locations Enter flight information to make reservation Obtain signature of authorized approver How Do I Make a Reservation?
Online Resources Texas Flight Times Common Destinations with Airport and FBO Information Common Destinations with Airport and FBO Information
Aircraft Reservation System
View Calendar
Make A Reservation – Step 1
Make a reservation – Step 2
Make a reservation – Step 3
Make a reservation – Confirmation
To update a Pending Reservation
Obtain Authorized Signature To print out reservation document for approval…
Obtain Authorized Signature (cont.)
Click box to certify no prohibited passengers are on flight. Obtain signature of Official Requesting Flight. Obtain signature of Official Approving Flight.
Obtain Authorized Signature (cont.) Submit to an Authorized Approver for signature. Send approved form to UT System Operations and Support Services via or fax. Fax:
Flight Approval Flights are marked Approved in the Reservation System at least 24 hours prior to departure. Changes to Pending flights may be made by Users until flight is marked Approved. Approved flights may be changed by contacting Amy Mitchell at or Erica Wagner at Amy Mitchell Erica Wagner
To Revise or Cancel an Approved Flight: Contact Amy Mitchell at ; orAmy Mitchell Contact Erica Wagner at Erica Wagner
Aircraft Reservation System For assistance call: Amy Mitchell at See the Aircraft Website at: