Plural Nouns A South Dakota School for the Deaf Language Activity Nouns ending with -f or -fe
Rule If a noun ends with a single –f or –fe, change the f to v and add –es Example: leaf= leaves knife= knives
Scarf scarves
knife knives
calf calves
shelf shelves
leaf leaves
loaf loaves
wife wives
thief thieves
elf elves
Spelling Practice knife elf shelf calf leaf
Choose the correct noun! Sentence Practice Choose the correct noun! The leaf leaves are turning brown. The knife knives are very sharp. She put many scarf scarves on the snowman. The calf calves are eating grass. The shelf shelves are full. The loaf loaves of bread are ready to eat! The wife wives is happy. The thief thieves are going to jail.
Review of Tricky Spellings watch fly leaf box elf bunny