+ Standards, NETs and CCSS Online class February 13, 2014
+ Standards Image source
+ Standards vs. Objectives Standards are goals for what students should learn and therefore establish what teachers should teach "Content standards" define what every student should know and be able to do. "Performance standards" explain how students will demonstrate their proficiency in order to establish that a standard has been achieved. National Level Benchmarks States (and local school districts) interpret these goals and benchmarks Objectives are statements that describe—in precise, measurable, and obtainable terms desired learner outcomes.
+ Standards: more than one set IPTS ISBE-Tech ISBE-LA ACEI ACTFUL NCSS NCTM NSTA NETS CCSS Do you recognize any of these standards? Can you name any of them?
+ Standards Illinois Professional Teaching Standards Technology Standards for All Illinois Teachers (ISBE) Language Arts Standards for All Illinois (ISBE) std.pdf ACEI Association for Childhood Education International ACTFUL American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages NCSS National Council for Social Studies NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics NSTA National Science Teachers Association ate NETS National Educational Technology Standards CCSS Common Core State Standards
+ Different organizations focus on different standards. As an educator you need to recognize these standards but will base most of your teaching off of the following:
+ NETS We were introduced to these standards last week. The National Education Technology Standards (NETS) are a series of different standards developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). These standards are considered “the” standards that educators should focus on when integrating technology into their curriculum.
+ NETS There are different NET standards for different people: teachers, students, administrators, coaches and computer science educators. As teachers, you will focus on NETS-S, what students are able to do with technology
+ NETS-S There are six standards for students. They are available here: standards.pdf?sfvrsn=2 ISTE is transitioning the name ‘NETS’ to ‘ISTE Standards’
+ NETS-Teachers
+ Common Core
+ Prezi: please click on the Prezi URL below to understand the background on Common Core State Standards ium=copy&rc=ex0share
+ Prezi : please click on the Prezi URL below to read about the design and organization of Common Core State Standards _medium=copy&rc=ex0share
+ Unpacking Common Core State Standards Common Core state standards are detailed, with assumptions that students have certain skill sets in order to master each standard. These skills aren’t easily spelled out; this is a task for the teacher. Please watch this screencast that explains how you can “unpack” Common Core State Standards. You will be assigned a standard and asked to ‘upack’ it.
+ Example #1 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone). Verbs (in red) Nouns (in purple) Skills: Determine the figurative meanings of words and phrases as they are used in the text. Determine the connotative meanings of words and phrases as they are used in the text. Analyze the impact of specific word choices on the meaning of the text (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place). Analyze the impact of specific words choices on the tone of the text (e.g, how the language sets a formal or informal tone) For word choice, I can use technology like Popplet to create a word web. For tone words, I can create a main bubble with the word tone, and then add a few examples of tone words from the text or passage. I would explain what tone words are and how they make us feel a certain way. Then, the students can add examples of their own tone words in their own bubbles on Popplet.
+ Example #2 CCSS.Math.Content.4.G.A.1 Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures. Draw(verb) points(noun), lines(noun), line segments(noun), rays(noun), angles(noun) (right, acute, obtuse)(noun), and perpendicular (noun)and parallel lines(noun). Identify(verb) these in two-dimensional figures(noun). Skills List: Students must draw points Students must draw lines Students must draw line segments Students must draw rays Students must draw angles (right, acute, and obtuse) Students must draw perpendicular lines Students must draw parallel lines Students must identify two dimensional figures Tech - Online line/angle/geometry programs, geometry/math apps on Ipads, videos/educational games
+ Example #3 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. (Jennifer) Verbs: Integrate and Evaluate Nouns: Sources of information, Credibility, and Accuracy List of Skills and Technology for each: Integrate multiple sources of information in diverse media or formats presented visually Create a power point presentation or prezi about a particular subject. (prezi.com) Integrate multiple sources of information in diverse media or formats presented quantitatively Generate a survey among peers and analyze ideas taken from survey. (Surveymonkey.com) Integrate multiple sources of information in diverse media or formats presented orally Produce a presentation about how to actively “do something” such as create a blog, read an , etc. (Screencastomatic.com) Evaluate credibility of each source Understand guidelines of APA and/or MLA. (owl.english.purdue.edu/owl) Evaluate accuracy of each source Recognize acceptable sources through research. (Look through multiple sites to corroborate evidence found – time.com, chicagotribune.com, cnn.com.)
+ Unpacking Common Core State Standards On the “Common Core” wiki page for class please find your name and standard (please stay in your own section of the page- it is recommended that you complete your work in Word and copy and paste it on the wiki). “Unpack” your standard based on the directions below. Circle the verbs listed in the standard (or identify the verbs with a color) Underline the nouns listed in the standard (or identify the nouns with a different color than the verbs) Based on the nouns and verbs, create a list of skills that need to be taught in order to master the standard What technology can you use to teach this? Note: While the screencast mentioned identifying the level of Bloom’s Taxonomy each skill falls under this is not required for this assignment. If you would like to include it here are some Bloom’s resources to help you:
+ QR Code Presentation View the QR code presentation below to gain some ideas on how to use QR codes in a classroom. classroom/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy