Hot Air Balloons
Name ______ Gr.__Mar. __ How Does a Hot Air Balloon Fly? -Balloons are bags filled with a light gas or hot air both so light that the balloon floats in the air. -Hot-air balloons have a burner that continually fills the balloon with warm air to keep it afloat. -Balloons are normally launched at dusk or dawn when the air is quite calm. -As the air in the bag cools the balloon gradually sinks. To maintain height, the balloonist lights the burner to add warm air again. -To descend quickly the balloonist pulls a cord to let air out through a vent at the top of the balloon.
Basket Most hot air balloons use a wicker basket for the passenger compartment. Wicker works very well because it is sturdy, flexible and relatively lightweight. The flexibility helps with balloon landings.
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