MFS Thermodynamics Created by: Marlon Flores Sacedon Physics section, DMPS June 2010
MFS Thermodynamics is a study energy transformations involving heat, mechanical work, and other aspects of energy and how these transformations relate to the properties of matter. Topics: Temperature and heat Thermal Expansion Heat Quantities Equation of State First Law of Thermodynamics Second Law of Thermodynamics
MFS Temperature and Heat Temperature is rooted in qualitative ideas of “hot” and “cold” based on our sense of touch. A body that feels hot usually has a higher temperature than a similar body that feels cold.
MFS Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics If C is initially in thermal equilibrium with both A and B, then A and B are also in thermal equilibrium with each other. This result is called the Zeroth Law of thermodynamics Two system are in thermal equilibrium if and only if they have the same temperature.
MFS Temperature scale Temperature Scale At freezing Point of water At boiling point of water Celsius, T c 0 o C100 o C Fahrenheit, T F 32 o F212 o F TCTC TFTF 32 o F 212 o F 100 o C 0
MFS Kelvin scale
MFS Temperature scale Instantaneous Temperature, (T) Degree celsius, ( o C) Degree Fahrenheit ( o F) Change in Temperature, (∆T) Degree celsius, (C o ) Degree Fahrenheit (F o ) Kelvin (K)
MFS Problems a) -81 o F, b) o F, c) 88 o F a) o F;yes, b) 54 o F
MFS Problems 3.